New Bodom Songs

Roundtrip 2 Hell And Back - I was like "what?!" but I think it's pretty fucking cool, and it's gonna be a very heavy and fast song, I guess this is the one Jaska said there's gonna be very fast double bass and is like old school thrash.

Pretty for the Devil - The slow song on this album? I haven't read the intervied because it wasn't posted here.

Tie My Rope - All we know is Bam said this song fucking rocks. And I guess it's the one that's like old Hypocrisy.

One thing is for sure: none of these is the album title track.
I hope none of these is the title track.

I'm just wondering what will the cover look like?

I still don't know what is in the cover of AYDY? Well I see it's a fist, but what's it supposed to be?
Wonder if the names are only some project names. Maybe they will change them before the album. I hope cause imo they no good. And now i'm pretty confident to hear new Bodom in one week ;). No off to buy Soundi ->
hmmm, hey don't sound like bodom songs at all...and i'm thinking that the music is gonna be very different from classic bodom. I just hope the music's gonna be some good shit.
I totally agree. When I read them, it was hard to believe that it was actually the names. I'll check the interview in a sec but I'm also keeping faith. I actually can't wait for it.
Yes, faith :) We are tr00 fans! :lol:
These names are better than titles like "Triple Corpse Hammerblow" or "Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood" and it's just some natural evolution. If Alexi wrote songs that needed such names, then it's alright.
I like those song names XD

When I heard that Are You Dead Yet? would be the title of the last album, I was like "oh no..." but when Alexi explained the meaning behind it to me (he actually asked himself that question when he looked in the mirror after his accident where he broke his hand and fucked up his face), I totally liked it because I understood it.

Of course it's getting harder and harder for him to find new good and catchy song titles without repeating himself. Are there even song names that everybody would like?

Ok, the song names on Hatebreeder still kick ass and most of them are kinda unique but even the names on Are You Dead Yet? have something special. I guess we'll get used to the new ones pretty soon and everything will be alright.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the name of the Bodom-themed song of the album.

Me too, I can't wait. And you're right, if the songs are good we will get used to the "un-bodom" titles :p


Who gives a shit about song titles? How can anyone make any conclusions about the titles if they have not heard the song first? Maybe the titles describe the songs perfectly, maybe not. We don't know that yet. I couldn't care less if they decided to name their songs track 1, track 2 etc...
Agreed, that is what I said.

yeah, i also agree that the songs sound really 80s rock/glam. i'm really curious to hear what they sound like now.
:cool: Yeh I'm waiting to see if they sound different from normal Bodom and match "sound"of their title. I think they probably will.

Triple Corpse Hammerblow is a reference to the Lake Bodom murder you idiot
>_> DIE NOW!
/\ 1)He's talking about the fact that it's a stupid fucking song name you dolt.
2) He's like one of the main Scythes Of Bodom guys, which means he probably knows alot about Bodom.
3) You're 13. STFU
Thank you. Zarok > A faggy twirp
Excuse me?!!! You may want to re-think those words, mister!
:lol: Yeh, right :lol: He an amazingly great musician but a literary icon he is not. Check out Borknagar for some omfgamazing lyrics.
those names sound more like Steva Vai names than COB names and make sound good song titles such as Punch Me I Bleed,but who knows?Kissing The Shadows has the gayest name ever in a Bodom song and it's fucking great.As Heartless Name said,faith.Belive in Alexi's ability to write great songs as Towards Dead end or Children Of Bodom.

BTW,there are songs with odd names that just rule.Or do you really think(leaving appart who composed them and how much you can like the bands) that Pull The Plug(Death) or the almighty Cowboys From Hell(Pantera) are cool titles?Pull The Plug is just like WTF? and Cowboys From Hell seems a country song name,but they're both great songs.
I hope none of these is the title track.

I'm just wondering what will the cover look like?

I still don't know what is in the cover of AYDY? Well I see it's a fist, but what's it supposed to be?

It's been like f*cking two years its out and you still didn't notice it's the reaper's fist?? Look in the background you see the reaper...
It's been like f*cking two years its out and you still didn't notice it's the reaper's fist?? Look in the background you see the reaper...

Well that's what I tought, I hope they keep the Reaper in the future covers too.

When will the Viva La Bands album come out so we can listen to Tie My Rope?
And does it really take 5 months to realese the album if half of its songs are ready?
I think the song titles sound weird now because we don't know the "theme" of the album or anything...they are just song titles and thats it...
when the album comes out, hopefully we'll understand why they chose those names.
Well, I like those names, they sound cool =D

Pretty for the Devil makes me think of Van Halen's song Running with the Devil xP

But then again, song names don't really matter to me. Lyrics do, songtitles don't really. In the end, you gotta hear a song to judge it anyway.
But I have a pretty good feeling about the new album. I think it's probably gonna sound cool =D