New Bodom Songs

That's good, I know one guy who liked a bunch of bands that he thought were "metal", then he went to wikipedia to read about those bands, he found out people call those bands "nu metal", next day he hated those bands :p
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I lol'd hard.

HAHA, Anybody with photoshop could have done that. It looks like a piece of shit!
Yup but imagine IF it woud have been a real cover and it was supposed to look like that :lol: then janne woud read how we think it looks like a piece of shit:lol: :lol: Woud be pretty shit.
HAHA, Anybody with photoshop could have done that. It looks like a piece of shit!

That really looks awful, I was really shocked when I saw it, it's on wikipedia in the new album info. But that can't be the cover of the album, and I don't think even a single could look that bad.

Yup but imagine IF it woud have been a real cover and it was supposed to look like that :lol: then janne woud read how we think it looks like a piece of shit:lol: :lol: Woud be pretty shit.

If Janne would read the forum users opinions of Tie My Rope he would probably shit his pants or get mad, or both :lol:
Right now, I'm judging this next album from what I've seen of it: one song, three titles. I didn't like the song.. (don't tell me "you're idiot, it was good") maybe if I try to listen it more, I will maybe like it.. if I ever find the courage to do it. I didn't like the titles too, but that isn't really important, or maybe a little. (you know, putting a "2" in a title.. maybe Alexi was drunk but it isn't an good argument for me).

Children Of Bodom (I discussed of that with some friends) have now a new attitude compared to.. Follow the Reaper and older albums. It's getting more Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll. The authenticity is gone. Before that, I knew COB as a bands making great songs and original riffs around a legend, the Bodom Lake. It was like a mystery. I don't really like the new one, but I still loved the Hate Crew Deathroll and Are You Dead Yet? sound. I just got a bad feeling about this next one right now. Let's hope it's title is not going to be one of the three songs we already know.

Anyway, I hope anyone is able to agree with this.
If not, don't throw me garbage, thank you.
And if I ever mispelled, I don't care, I know you understood.
Wow, I found this pic from wikipedia and it's supposed to be the cover of the single or the album?


:lol: the person who did this obviously has no idea about designing album covers...or designing anythin, and his/her photoshop kills are really bad.
what a loser :lol:
Its already been said but 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. Seriously guys, if you like Children of Bodom you must know that already. With several songs on each album with "-Bodom-" in its title they seem a bit ridiculous. But the content rules (most of the time), so it doesn't matter!

I've heard 'Tie My Rope' and its utter shit IMO. Hopefully the other tracks won't suck. Sadly it seems they've gone towards the AYDY direction. But you never know, it could turn out ok!
Those names sound better than any actual song titles I've heard so far. I like the fact that they're recording multiple covers. At least it will give us something else to listen to if the album sucks (I don't have my hopes up at this point).
Each of their albums have a strong side and a weakness, but now they have more time than ever to write the songs. So you can expect the songs won't falter because of clumsy constructions and filler choruses like AYDY?.. You can expect the sound quality to be as good as HCDR.. Tie My Rope will be re-recorded.. I'm gonna make fucking sure I hear this album before I get hit by a truck or something..

*Trabant means the car they have on stage.
*Triplet is probably a term related to piano playing.
*Blackie could mean a song with black metal influences.
*Triplet is probably a term related to piano playing.
*Blackie could mean a song with black metal influences.
Triplet is probably related to literally any song using triplets, I can't see how it's related to piano playing more than any other instrument.
Blackie is more likely a reference to Blackie Lawless of WASP.