New Bodom Songs

Check this out: I have Something Wild, Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Tokyo Warhearts autographed by the whole band.

But when AYDY? came out I couldn't fool myself: the album sucked. Living Dead Beat, TL&S and We're Not Gonna Fall were ok, but the rest... damn, what a disappointment.

And Tie My Rope BLOWS!!!

I don't follow an artist blindly, and neither should you. Try other things. Hint: classic rock such as Alice Cooper and WASP, which most of you don't know, is awesome. Give it a spin.

Ok let's stop to argue
I know Alice Cooper and WASP (songs) and also listen to bands like Metallica, Slipknot, System of a Down, Manowar, In Flames and many others.
But I don't follow CoB blind. As long as they produce good Metal I'll listen to them and they'll stay my fav band with a huge distance to ohters. And you have to say even you don't like the "new" style the quality of the songs from AYDY is awesome. I luv the Band and I really love AYDY as much as the other Albums. And still my fav Song is Follow the Reaper and HTDR
Maybe I love the band too much but isn't that the definition of a (freaky) fan?:lol:
By the way you have to say that Next In Line is a perfect song to say if you what kind of music they do. And in your face has lovely riffs and with punch me I bleed it shows that they don't think they're better like othe celebs

Tye my roope the title reminds me of roope LAtvala (don't know why) and the solo at the end is just funny in a very positive way
Ummm.. well I like all COB albums, it just seems to me that the direction they are taking is not gonna please me. But I don't really care, I listen to a lot of other bands. ALL the songs are not obligated to please you.. just deal with it. Don't blame anyone.. Laiho is doing what he likes. You're not him so if you don't like, it's not so important.
Check this out: I have Something Wild, Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Tokyo Warhearts autographed by the whole band.

But when AYDY? came out I couldn't fool myself: the album sucked. Living Dead Beat, TL&S and We're Not Gonna Fall were ok, but the rest... damn, what a disappointment.

And Tie My Rope BLOWS!!!

I don't follow an artist blindly, and neither should you. Try other things. Hint: classic rock such as Alice Cooper and WASP, which most of you don't know, is awesome. Give it a spin.

You arent taking us stupid are you? Saw W.A.S.P Live and they rawked. Alice cooper does too but its getting a bit wornout. I know u said MOST of us but i bet theres a great deal that from WASP developed a taste for death metal and stuff...Although Iron Maiden seems to be the trend now :erk: I hate it...everyone listens to them. I prefer WASP over Maiden and Megadeth over Metallica:)
Hmmm... no. It's bland and uninspired.

Do they? Anyway, the song sucks.

Next in line is a nother way of saying you're the next one (in this case to die)
and what do you thinkthe old stuff is about?

And punch me I bleed is another way of saying i'm just a human like you and CoB is well known for taking care of their fans otherwise you wouldn't have signated Cds of them, would you?
I quote myself:

I just came up with a theory.

Could it be they're not looking like releasing the new Sinergy album.. because they're using its material for the new Children Of Bodom album to make sure it rocks?

Stuff like solos and complicated song construction parts ready on paper would save them loads of time and allow them to just concentrate on designing cool songs.

So if Alexi decided to scrap the new Sinergy -album and use the best parts for the upcoming COB album, that would explain why they had 5 songs ready in May. This could be a bit far-fetched, but still.

Maybe they had ideas ready long time before they actually started designing the songs.

Right now the band is rehearsing their asses off to polish those songs and to make 4 more. Maybe we won't have much filler material. I can't fucking wait.
Check this out: I have Something Wild, Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Tokyo Warhearts autographed by the whole band.

But when AYDY? came out I couldn't fool myself: the album sucked. Living Dead Beat, TL&S and We're Not Gonna Fall were ok, but the rest... damn, what a disappointment.

And Tie My Rope BLOWS!!!

I don't follow an artist blindly, and neither should you. Try other things. Hint: classic rock such as Alice Cooper and WASP, which most of you don't know, is awesome. Give it a spin.

holy words!:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
I quote myself:

So if Alexi decided to scrap the new Sinergy -album and use the best parts for the upcoming COB album, that would explain why they had 5 songs ready in May. This could be a bit far-fetched, but still.

Maybe they had ideas ready long time before they actually started designing the songs.

Right now the band is rehearsing their asses off to polish those songs and to make 4 more. Maybe we won't have much filler material. I can't fucking wait.

Didnt alexi actually say that about half of the songs woud be "good ol' headbangers" ?:) Good sign IMO!
I just came up with a theory.

Could it be they're not looking like releasing the new Sinergy album.. because they're using its material for the new Children Of Bodom album to make sure it rocks?

Stuff like solos and complicated song construction parts ready on paper would save them loads of time and allow them to just concentrate on designing cool songs.

For once, I can agree with you Joonas. It wouldn't make sense on Alexi's part to come up with new material when he already went through the process with Sinergy, even if he intentionally uses some of the parts or subconsciously. Hopefully the new material will sound more like Sinergy and NOT like AYDY or Tie My Rope.
For once, I can agree with you Joonas. It wouldn't make sense on Alexi's part to come up with new material when he already went through the process with Sinergy, even if he intentionally uses some of the parts or subconsciously. Hopefully the new material will sound more like Sinergy and NOT like AYDY or Tie My Rope.

This could actually make sense, and also explain why they "lost" the recordings. If so, it would be the most awesome thing ever. (In terms of Cob/Sinergy atleast)

Who gives a shit about song titles? How can anyone make any conclusions about the titles if they have not heard the song first? Maybe the titles describe the songs perfectly, maybe not. We don't know that yet. I couldn't care less if they decided to name their songs track 1, track 2 etc...

So you wouldn't care if the album was called
'Anyone who buys this album is a massive emo who cuts him/herself and cries at night' ?

Also 'Pretty for the devil' sounds like a glam metal song title, which sucks
So you wouldn't care if the album was called
'Anyone who buys this album is a massive emo who cuts him/herself and
In one word: no. I rate the albums by their content (=music).

If someone has a problem with me buying some random album with a weird name, I couldn't care less. I listen to much more music than just metal, so I don't have any problem buying whatever I happen to like.
In one word: no. I rate the albums by their content (=music).

If someone has a problem with me buying some random album with a weird name, I couldn't care less. I listen to much more music than just metal, so I don't have any problem buying whatever I happen to like.

Excactly. Some people don't listen to other music than metal even though they like it. :lol:
^^I do. And im proud to admit it! I listen to everythin i find sounding good. Most of it is metal ofcourse but im completely open to music.
^^I do. And im proud to admit it! I listen to everythin i find sounding good. Most of it is metal ofcourse but im completely open to music.

That's good, I know one guy who liked a bunch of bands that he thought were "metal", then he went to wikipedia to read about those bands, he found out people call those bands "nu metal", next day he hated those bands :p
Wow, I found this pic from wikipedia and it's supposed to be the cover of the single or the album?
