I simply believe Alexi ran out of good ideas for songs and lyrics. It would be great if Alexander made an epic return but I like Roope just as well. He writes more thrash kind of riffs which is not my cup of tea tbh.
I would like to see Roope get more solos in the next ablum also. If Sinergy turns out to sound like the way bodom sounds now I think I will give up all hope.
Let's face the facts:
-COB "sold out" by doing an american influenced album like Are you dead yet. That was 2 years ago when they went in a new direction with their music.
-COB covered a Britney Spears song.
-COB's video for Are you dead yet is the worst catastrophe ever.
-COB's shirts feature flags of the USA.
-Their live shows went downhill.
how can people honestly think alexander had that much of an influence on the sound that his leaving made are you dead yet? he wrote maybe a couple of songs and he was still there when they were writing hate crew deathroll so clearly he didn't save thier uber tr00 soundalso, i sincerely doubt roope, who didn't make sinergy americanized and metalcorish, would somehow come into cob and make them sound like aydy did.
sinergy is very american, it's thrashy and glam rocky...
I think he's talking about the "new" american emo/hardcore sound.
You fuckin suck.
(VVVVV Thanks, slipped in there copypasting...)
I'm on of the few fans that are loyal to the band and always will be faithfull in what they do
Yeah I know I'm just a stupid fucking AYDY loving idiot because I'm on of the few fans that are loyal to the band and always will be faithfull in what they do
if you still want to try to make me bad because your emotional status is the one of a two year old child: I like tie my roope and the other new bodom titles
And listen to punch me i bleed several times and think about the title:
I don't know what alexi wants to say or if he even wants to say something but I interprete the calmness of the song and its title as alexis way to say :"I'm just a human too." which mght be his way to show that he was hurt by Alexander leaving the band
Yeah I know I'm just a stupid fucking AYDY loving idiot because I'm on of the few fans that are loyal to the band and always will be faithfull in what they do
if you still want to try to make me bad because your emotional status is the one of a two year old child: I like tie my roope and the other new bodom titles
And listen to punch me i bleed several times and think about the title:
I don't know what alexi wants to say or if he even wants to say something but I interprete the calmness of the song and its title as alexis way to say :"I'm just a human too." which mght be his way to show that he was hurt by Alexander leaving the band
they're saying you suck cuz you like the video of AYDY
Let's face the facts:
-COB "sold out" by doing an american influenced album like Are you dead yet. That was 2 years ago when they went in a new direction with their music.
-COB covered a Britney Spears song.
-COB's video for Are you dead yet is the worst catastrophe ever.
-COB's shirts feature flags of the USA.
-Their live shows went downhill.
-The CoB AYDY Vid is cool especially the part when the guy smashes the cop and captures the bitch
-Children of Bodom take really care of all their fans (including the US)
I never said the new CoB sucks you fuck head, I said that the AYDY video sucks.
get your facts right before talking like you're fuckin better than me.
Sad but true.
1) You're the cancer killing COB.
2) Excluding South America, of course.
Let's face the facts again:
-CoB did not sell out just because of a new style (which isn't the old one but still real nice)
-The Ooops... I did it again thing was more a joke than a cover (they laugh at the end and somwhere in the middly they are talking some shit i suppose finnish)
-The CoB AYDY Vid is cool especially the part when the guy smashes the cop and captures the bitch)
-Children of Bodom take really care of all their fans (including the US)
The shirt was from an US tour and I find it's real nice by the to do that for the US-fans although I don't like it either and as far as I know it was one shirt
-The shows are amazing