New Bodom Songs

Come on...
I would like him to come back too although i became a fan after he left
but (imo) Roope is also great and would you like it if CoB does every album
in the same style as FTR or HCDR?
That would be boring after six albums
I simply believe Alexi ran out of good ideas for songs and lyrics. It would be great if Alexander made an epic return but I like Roope just as well. He writes more thrash kind of riffs which is not my cup of tea tbh.
I would like to see Roope get more solos in the next ablum also. If Sinergy turns out to sound like the way bodom sounds now I think I will give up all hope.
You forgot something there. Fixed for ya. ;)

And hell, I miss Kuoppala. To think he co-wrote Bed of Razors... and now we have this shit since he departed...

Your failure in this thread cannot be described in words.
Alexi also wrote Kissing the Shadows, Mask Of Sanity, Deadnight Warrior, Lake Bodom, Follow The Reaper, Hatebreeder...Alexander has nothing to do with the musical direction of the band. It's a change in Alexi's heart, it's not hard to understand.
Alexi also wrote Kissing the Shadows, Mask Of Sanity, Deadnight Warrior, Lake Bodom, Follow The Reaper, Hatebreeder...Alexander has nothing to do with the musical direction of the band. It's a change in Alexi's heart, it's not hard to understand.

It's just funny that it was in the exact moment that Kuoppala departed. Anyway, Alexi has turned into a big Janne-kissing faggot, end of story.

By the way, I don't imagine Kuoppala kissing other men in the mouth. :lol:
It's just funny that it was in the exact moment that Kuoppala departed. Anyway, Alexi has turned into a big Janne-kissing faggot, end of story.

By the way, I don't imagine Kuoppala kissing other men in the mouth. :lol:

get the fuck out of my interwebz, im sick of reading how youre sick of the new Bodom
It's just funny that it was in the exact moment that Kuoppala departed. Anyway, Alexi has turned into a big Janne-kissing faggot, end of story.

By the way, I don't imagine Kuoppala kissing other men in the mouth. :lol:

Now you're homophobic aswell? I couldn't care less if they were all taking it up the arse, it doesn't affect anything. Stop looking for excuses because you're taste is shite.
Now you're homophobic aswell? I couldn't care less if they were all taking it up the arse, it doesn't affect anything. Stop looking for excuses because you're taste is shite.

It's YOUR, not YOU'RE, you dumbshit.

Also, homophobia is an illusion.

And when you discover the works of, let's see, Jaco Pastorius for example, we'll talk about taste and musical quality. Until then, you're just an illiterate idiot who's wasted far too much of my time already.
It's YOUR, not YOU'RE, you dumbshit. :waah: :waah: :waah:

Actually, it's You're, as in You are, not your.

"Now you're homophobic aswell" = "Now you are homophobic aswell"
Which could also be phrased as "Are you homophobic now aswell"

Your could be used like this: "Your homophobic views are retarted, just as you are.
Allow me to expose your monumental dumbness. In bold.

I feel ashamed for you all. Inhe and Swabs, wow.

You could've just said that from the beginning, so i didn't have to write all of that. Even though it had nothing to do with the subject at all. You can keep harassing and pin-pointing errors, but being angry at people who like the new bodom won't get you the old bodom back, infact i don't see what good it does at all. :goggly:
You could've just said that from the beginning, so i didn't have to write all of that. Even though it had nothing to do with the subject at all. You can keep harassing and pin-pointing errors, but being angry at people who like the new bodom won't get you the old bodom back, infact i don't see what good it does at all. :goggly:

I like your tone now, dumbass. You sound deliciously humbled.

I wonder how it felt for Swabs to have to jostle his words up his english arse.
dawnghost you aren't a CoB-fan at all
The only thing you are doing all day is sitting in front of your computer repeat Something Wild again and again and get on our nerves
What you call a faggot AYDY lover is that what I call a REAL Children Of Bodom fan
No offence but you're the dumbass

by the way you could follow the advice of Kekkonen's Parrot and start a
"Whiny old COB lovers" thread
you would be perfect for this thread and if you want to argue I'm An AYDY fan so you can try easily to piss me off