Don't worry, there are lots of people here who have listened CoB from day 1, and love both the older albums and AYDY. We're not just as loud as the huge bandwagon of "old CoB" whiners here. That's just the way it is, people who are content just don't feel the need to make much noise about it. They just listen the records home with a smile on their face

It's the same as with news, good news just isn't news.
What irritates me sometimes is, that every single thread at some point seems to turn into a "I miss old CoB" circlejerk. Sometimes you see people in their first post to this forum saying how they don't like the new CoB and how old CoB was the definition of greatness. I'm beginning to think, that they probably just read a few threads here and learned what they are
supposed to think about AYDY. Then they just line up with the loud whining crowd even if they liked AYDY, because it's always easier to side with the majority than to go against by telling what you really feel.
I'm suggesting that someone starts a
OLD COB WHINERS MEGATHREAD, where people can vent their frustration and anger about AYDY and feel nostalgic about < 2005 CoB
in one place, without plaguing all the threads with the tiresome whining.