New Bodom Songs

What the FUCK, Joonas??? How old are you, for fuck's sake? It's got a "2" in the name. It has a fucking 2 right up the ass!!!

Look, using "2" for "to" is like having a song called "Bl00dy Murderz". It is TEENAGER, and not only that. It's AVRIL LAVIGNE TEENAGER.

Motherfucking shit, what a disappointment. I hope the songs are good, cause the titles are emo teen shit.

Please, mr.smartass start a band and have better song titels. And try to be better tha CoB.. oh wait you cant.. when your better than them in something complain.. if not keep quiet:mad:
Don't worry, there are lots of people here who have listened CoB from day 1, and love both the older albums and AYDY. We're not just as loud as the huge bandwagon of "old CoB" whiners here. That's just the way it is, people who are content just don't feel the need to make much noise about it. They just listen the records home with a smile on their face :cool: It's the same as with news, good news just isn't news.

What irritates me sometimes is, that every single thread at some point seems to turn into a "I miss old CoB" circlejerk. Sometimes you see people in their first post to this forum saying how they don't like the new CoB and how old CoB was the definition of greatness. I'm beginning to think, that they probably just read a few threads here and learned what they are supposed to think about AYDY. Then they just line up with the loud whining crowd even if they liked AYDY, because it's always easier to side with the majority than to go against by telling what you really feel.

I'm suggesting that someone starts a OLD COB WHINERS MEGATHREAD, where people can vent their frustration and anger about AYDY and feel nostalgic about < 2005 CoB in one place, without plaguing all the threads with the tiresome whining.
That's very reassuring. Every music discussion forum I go to is full of supposed CoB fans who talk about the greatness of Hatebreeder and the terrible shit that is AYDY. It makes me sick.

Most of the songs on AYDY just sound like fucking heavy metal to me. Their older stuff was tech-laden, atmospheric, melodic extreme metal...but the new stuff to me is just metal with no unnecessary flash. I get pretty worked up when I listen to AYDY with beer in hand! \m/
^^Well said...Well Hatebreeder belongs to my alltime favorite albums...but so does AYDY too! We're not gonna fall is the best song on the album IMO! :)
But anyway, back on topic. I dig Tie My Rope. The riffs sound a little too generic compared to their AYDY riffing style, but the melodies and solos throughout the second half of the song are phenomenal.
No matter how gay all those song names sound...
Hatecrew Deathroll is by far the GAYEST song name in the history of gay.

That is a fuckin cool song title! Unique and relates to the band. I'm guessing you think Are You Dead Yet and Tie My Rope are better song names :lol:
Well right now I don,t really like the names.. but Are You Dead Yet weren't better (maybe a little..) and I still liked the songs. My problem here is that I listened to "Tie My Rope" (which is actually an Emo song name, well it could be) and I just didn't liked it.. but I like the name "Pretty for the Devil", anyway, can't wait to see how it will sound. Mostly awaiting a bad surprise than a good one.
I heard they where gonna use ''Bum fucked by the Reaper'' and ''Taste of my Tests'' as well, they sound quite cool songs.
I heard they where gonna use ''Bum fucked by the Reaper''

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And here's a song for Children of Bodom's new style. Some parts off Chainsaw Charlie, by motherfucking W.A.S.P. (for all you gay ass AYDY fans who have never listened to real metal).

O.K. boy now here's your deal
Will you gamble your life?
Sign right here on the dotted line
It's the one you've waited for all of your life

Ah - will it feed my hunger
If I swallow lies right down my throat?
Or will it choke me till I'm raw?
And tomorrow when I'm gone
Will they whore my image on?

We'll sell your flesh by the pound you'll go
A whore of wrath just like me
We'll sell ya wholesale, we'll sell your soul
Strap on your sixstring and feed our machine

Welcome to the morgue boy
Where the music comes to die

The new morgue's our factory, to grease our lies
Our machine is hungry, it needs your life
Don't mind the faggots, and the ruthless scum
Before we're done, son we'll make you one
I'm the tin man, I've never had a heart
I'm the tin man, But I'll make you a star

Long live REAL METAL.
Those couple new "riffs" they show on the rehearsal video are very cool. Or like the way the song continues right after the solo stops. Damn.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And here's a song for Children of Bodom's new style. Some parts off Chainsaw Charlie, by motherfucking W.A.S.P. (for all you gay ass AYDY fans who have never listened to real metal).

O.K. boy now here's your deal
Will you gamble your life?
Sign right here on the dotted line
It's the one you've waited for all of your life

Ah - will it feed my hunger
If I swallow lies right down my throat?
Or will it choke me till I'm raw?
And tomorrow when I'm gone
Will they whore my image on?

We'll sell your flesh by the pound you'll go
A whore of wrath just like me
We'll sell ya wholesale, we'll sell your soul
Strap on your sixstring and feed our machine

Welcome to the morgue boy
Where the music comes to die

The new morgue's our factory, to grease our lies
Our machine is hungry, it needs your life
Don't mind the faggots, and the ruthless scum
Before we're done, son we'll make you one
I'm the tin man, I've never had a heart
I'm the tin man, But I'll make you a star

Long live REAL METAL.

seriously from the way it sounds, you're more of a poser than anyone. you won't listen to cob because they aren't considered tr00 by all the underground hardc0reubermetul fans and then make fun of people who listen to it because they like the music. good one.
seriously from the way it sounds, you're more of a poser than anyone. you won't listen to cob because they aren't considered tr00 by all the underground hardc0reubermetul fans and then make fun of people who listen to it because they like the music. good one.

I gave Tie My Rope a try, with a heart of a child. It fucking sucked cock, just like you faggot do. It sounded so weak that I actually laughed. Metal for angry wimps, that's what it's become. Grow some balls and go listen to some real music, son. You don't even know what is good and what isn't.
Think the thing other way: those old famous songs will be legendary, because no one, even Bodom, don´t make music like that EVER!
in fact this last song is a song everyone can write... it is so boring, uninspired and simple... to quote Carcass:

"Round and round we go,
When will it stop, nobody knows
The same old chords, the same old words
It all sounds familiar, all starts to sound the same

Round and round we go,
Ever get the feeling you've heard this before?
Same old melody, rejuvenated,
Recycled again and again

Round and round, we go,
Never able to stem the flow
Same old notes, going round in cycles
Over and over again, and over again...

Who plays the fool?
As the circles ever increase"