Agreed 100% on Train of Thought.
I have that disc, but honestly only listened to it maybe 3 or 4 times.
My all time fav is easily Scenes from a Memory.
I know the hip thing to say is nothing touches Images and Words.
That album to me has some killer cuts but WAY too commercial sounding.
Nothing touches Images and Words. It's still my favorite album...ever.
This is what I love about Dream Theater fans. Inevitably one person's favorite is the next person's least favorite.
I think Black Clouds was utterly forgettable, and that Train of Thought was the best album they've done this century.
YEah, this is why I would never even be permitted to be a Dream Theater "fan". Way too commercial for me. I do like and appreciate some of the tunes, but I don't blow loads like most DT fans do over that album.
To each their own.
Volbeat-Live From Beyond Hell/Above Heaven
Volbeat-Live Sold Out DVD
Down-IV Part One: The Purple EP
Train of Thought was my favorite until Black Clouds.
I don't shit bricks over Images and Words, and rarely listen to it to be honest. I listen to When Dream and Day Unite alot, now that album is great and no one ever talks about it. Awake is another great one, its actually the first DT album i ever heard.
Nice. Was the Live from Beyond Hell/Above Heaven the DVD or CD? Because the DVD is amazing.
Nothing touches Images and Words. It's still my favorite album...ever.
Just the CD - I need to try and find the Blu Ray version.
I feel it's a bit overrated as well. Honestly, Metropolis is their finest hour imo.
I feel it's a bit overrated as well. Honestly, Metropolis is their finest hour imo.
Agreed. I also really like Train of Thought and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. The new album is also very good as Jason mentioned.
Yeah, I still love Dream Theater. The only album I don't really like is Falling into Infinity. They are the ones that initially got me into prog, which is funny because nowadays, I'm really quite bored by all these types of prog bands unless it's them really.
They are the ones that initially got me into prog, which is funny because nowadays, I'm really quite bored by all these types of prog bands unless they play Prog Power.