New Dream Theater/Symphony X


Wrath of Amemait
Jan 1, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Right, well I don't know about all of you, but I got very, VERY curious about both of those albums when they were leaked and my friend gave me a link. I downloaded as soon as I could and was very disappointed with what I thought to be a step backwards for Symphony X. However, I thought Systematic Chaos was a wholly genius album, and now I feel the same for Paradise Lost. I'm not saying I urge anyone to download them both before they come out (even though a few tracks have already been released from both albums as promotions), but I am saying that I feel that they are amazing and that people should go and buy the albums when they come out on the 5th of June and 26th (?) of July. I don't know how everyone else feels about these two bands, but along with Woods, they are two of my favourite bands. It's an interesting mix since Woods doesn't have the instrumental virtuoso factor that the members of those bands have. I think they're genius. So is David Gold. :worship: :headbang:
I've heard The Dark Eternal Night, crap. I've only bothered to listen to half of the new Symphony X, it's really generic for them.
from what ive heard the new symph x is killer, it seems to have a more aggressive sound than usual for them, which i dig alot. it reminds me more of symphony x live, where theyre a little meaner than on the cds.

the new dream theater is meh for me though, i respect the musicianship in that band, but all their music just seems like pure wankery to me, not many good solid songs all the way through, and i hate labrie.
Oh lol I get the picture. The last Dream Theater album was a let down for a lot of metal fans, but the title track is purely orgasmic, and I don't see how anyone could think otherwise. DT have wanted to experiment and have a new sound in each album and that's what they've done. I can but only appreciate their efforts. Love it or leave it. James LaBrie has an incredible range. And, so does Russell Allen. Paradise Lost isn't anything groundbreaking, it's another Sym X style record, so I feel it's best to enjoy it for that.

About the wankery that a lot of people find takes away from it, I don't see the big problem. Sure there are what seem to be long wank solos (In the Name of God), but other than that, the songs are absolutely fantastic. Just about every one of them except for You Not Me on Falling Into Infinity, and hey a lot of the music on that album wasn't even written by DT. It's very solid for prog.

But regardless, I know I can't change people's opinions on the matter. I just tend to get the idea that all the negative things people see in a band are stopping them from being able to sit down and enjoy it for what it is.
dont get me wrong, i dont hate dream theatre, i own many of their albums, i just dont find myself going back to them much, except for a spin every once in a while.

i actually watch dream theater dvds more than i listen to their cds.
I'm a massive DT fanboy, I consider them to be my favourite band, and upon hearing Constant Motion I was pretty freaking scared. However hte new album slays, and if you've only heard Constant or Dark Eternal Night you're not getting the full picture at all. In the Presence of Enemies Pt.1 and 2 (especially 2) basically make the album, and Presence 2 is absolutely fantastic.

As for the new SX, its pretty good, kinda generic, they'll never be able to reach the epic win of Divine Wings, and really the new one just has a lot of recycled ideas (the purposeful self rip-off of Sea of Lies just shows that) Its enjoyable album none the less, if pretty typical, and I definitely think they'll be fun to rock out to when they hit Toronto in July. (Anyone else going to that show?)
I'm a massive DT fanboy, I consider them to be my favourite band, and upon hearing Constant Motion I was pretty freaking scared. However hte new album slays, and if you've only heard Constant or Dark Eternal Night you're not getting the full picture at all. In the Presence of Enemies Pt.1 and 2 (especially 2) basically make the album, and Presence 2 is absolutely fantastic.

As for the new SX, its pretty good, kinda generic, they'll never be able to reach the epic win of Divine Wings, and really the new one just has a lot of recycled ideas (the purposeful self rip-off of Sea of Lies just shows that) Its enjoyable album none the less, if pretty typical, and I definitely think they'll be fun to rock out to when they hit Toronto in July. (Anyone else going to that show?)

I had the exact same kind of feeling when I heard those 2 songs, but once I heard the 2nd half of both those songs (starting right before the solos would begin), I knew the rest wouldn't be a dissapointment.

New Symphony X sounds like a lot of recycled material, I agree, but what's new: Russell Allen is still on the verge of aggression and even more so than on The Odyssey. My friend just finished tabbing out Domination too, what a beast. Roids...

Also, I'm going to see Symphony X on the 18th of July and Dream Theater on the 18th of August. Hopefully I'll see some of you there.
^ Yay Dream Theater!

Upon further listen, then new Symphony X is rather fantastic. Some songs are a bit generic, but I think its more consistent than The Odyssey, which I still find to be a mix of genius and a mix of boring. The last 2 songs are amazing, and Eve of Seduction and the title track rule too.