new Drudkh album


released January 19

i know some of you (especially erik) are interested in these ukranian dudes. you can find their first album at, as well as this one when it comes out. better store away another $15! i know i am...
That's exceptionally cool. I believe it was originally scheduled for 2003 and Supernal Music's site seemed to indicate it was already released, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Awaiting it eagerly.
supernal music is situated in the US, right? i'd really like to check out drudkh but odering just one cd overseas just isn't tenable :) erik do you know of any european sites that has got it? or perhaps even swedish ones?
Tell me how awesome this band is. I got interested when they referenced Summoning in a review.
seriously, i just posted this in another thread: Autumn Aurora is fucking amazing. it will DEFINITELY be in my top 10 of 2004, maybe at #1. it takes the greatness presented by 'forgotten legends', expands upon it, and wipes the fucking floor with every other release i've heard this year. get it.
Ok, I already found a distro. I'm gonna order it together with Watain - Casus Luciferi and perhaps an old Behemoth album.
Where is it available in the US? I have their debut, and I'd like to hear this follow up. I don't want to spend $15 at Supernal only to have Dreamlord come back laughing because he knows of some hole in the wall selling it at $0.50 including Fed Ex overnight delivery. :loco:
I'm listening to Glare of autumn right now, and I need to buy this album. Kind of reminds me a little of Negura Bunget too.