
Jun 5, 2006
I´ve just read the interview at aside from a large amount of wrong information provided by the writers (such as Niclasson writing "Inside the particle storm", or "The Gallery" being one of their mellow albums) Mikael provided a tiny bit of information that got me really worked up! :D

Q: During 2003 you released the dvd "Live Damage". In my opinion it was better than alot of the crap that is released on DVD. It contains loads of interviews, videos and clips from concerts from different places, which I think is what a fan and consumer should expect. It´s sad though that the main concert is filmed in front of an unenthousiastic crowd. Do you have any plans to release a new dvd?

A: I agree that the concert on the dvd is quite boring. It´s filmed on the middle of the day in poland, the same venue that alot of bands use when they´re going to tape a concert. The show was in front of a crowd that perhaps even had been offered money to go there. As a matter of fact we´re propably going to have a new DVD released, hopefully this autumn. And this time the crowd will be really excited.

This DT-year will definetly be one of the most awesome yet. An album, a single, a dvd and hopefully two concerts! :headbang: :kickass: :headbang:

edit: Spelling
I guess I have to be on every single concert from now on so I'll be on the DVD. I wish I could but I don't have enough money/time. Nevertheless great news.

@ DT-Members who read this and may have an influence on the location on the DVD: Summer Breeze is great. Really great atmosphere, great audience, great sound, awesome stage (actually I've never been there) and I will be there.
But a live DVD must be recorded in a club or something, not at a festival. This way they can have a custom stage, lots of cameras, etc. And DT performs much better indoor, imho.
Well then it should be Munich or wherever they'll end up in my area.
Whoa! That's awesome! The Live Damage DVD sucked indeed, but the good thing was the setlist, it was truly amazing. However, I really really hope if they'd play something from Skydancer on this DVD. :worship:

Yeees my dream finally came true! :headbang: Hehe I knew it! :) I just had the feeling that DT was going to release a new DVD (hopefully it'll also be available as Blu-Ray or HDDVD :) , it's good to keep up with technology), so as soon as anybody has some indo please tell me because I'm seriously planning to go there!!! :headbang: :kickass:

No seriously hehe; I wonder where it'll be... I guess it'll probably be in Europe, or maybe Montreal.

:Smug: the suspense is killing me... .
^ Yeah me too, I sure hope they'd play "Through Ebony Archways" :headbang: :kickass: .

Hey Frank if it's in München can I saty mit dir? :)

I'm really happy because it's in the middle of the year or later, that gives me chance to get a job :) and save a little bit so I don't take everything out of what me grandpa (RIP) left me :) :rolleyes: .
mmm DT would have made an announcement about that, don't you think?

Speculations and misinterpretation - that's what I think.

The talk could be about the Fiction DVD for the digipack.

Marylin's dress should have been on it, though, - shame that :heh:
^ :p . We should make something like a fan bootleg called "DT: Insignificunt Tour" and put Mikael with the Marilyn Monore dress in the cover :worship: .

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if the band announced that they'll be recording a dvd soon, for it seems the most obvious choice to me :rolleyes: :) :headbang: .
Gotta be pointed out whenever Anathema play Krakow they tear the place apart :p.

Yeah, I would love a new DVd. With tour diaries, the newer videos, character and fictions material and if possible some even older bootlegs from 1995 and older etc. Dunno where would be good to film though. I hate to say it but, the US might be the best place. It seems they have really conquered th US, Australia and Japan.
Here´s one hoping for a Swedish mini-tour where they´ll record the DVD, if the DVD isn´t recorded yet it propably has to be done before the festivals, and they can´t have time to go anywhere far away? :p
A concert on home soil in Gothenburg would be kickass :headbang: