New Iced Earth album kicks ass. Really.


Horatio McAllister
Feb 18, 2002
Sainte-Foy Beach
Hey y'all... thought I'd drop by and say that I've listened to a huge chunk of the Iced Earth's latest release "The Glorious Burden" with Tim "Ripper" Owens on vocals and it's pretty much a masterpiece album! There's no way Matthew Barlow (former IE singer) could have sung those songs! Ripper really sings his ass off on this one and Jon Schaeffer (rhythm guitar) and Richard Christy (drums) are probably the best on their respective instrument in the entire metal scene... of course, our own S.I. and C.B. come in close second ;)

Anyhoo, give it a listen kids (when it gets released, 'cause I picked up a, ahem, legal copy off of MIRC)...

This has been mentalmeltdown.
ahhhhh!!! no way he is better that barlow!! i almost cried when i heard new iced earth... i miss barlow. that song off of the demo, "when the eagle cries" made me cry, and not because i liked it. i mean, Owens is no doubt an awesome singer, and the songs arent bad...however, it is not iced earth to me. i have friends that love it, but they still admit he is NO barlow and never will be. barlows passion will never be duplacated.
Yes, Barlow was an excellent singer, but these new songs fit Ripper perfectly and he sounds like a real singer now compared to what he sounded like on the crapfest that were the Judas Priest studio releases with him. The songs are heavy here and they have a couple of accoustic pieces as well... a real gem!