LOLZ no wonder I got confused, I thought the tour talk int he paschendale thread was here and that posts kept disappearing and reappearing as the threads took turns in surfacing
Excellent news, and now some obligatory predictions: Dickinson being credited on half the songs, all but one also having NAD's name on it, should guarantee that this will blow DOD away at the very least...speaking of, hopefully they'll learn their lesson from the botched cover and no CGI Eddie. Either For The Greater Good or The Legacy (finally another epic in the closing spot, hopefully it won't drag like some recent material) will be the best song. There will be at least two songs about war, The Longest Day being a given. The opening track will be a rehash, but hopefully more exciting than that piece of crap at the outset of DOD.
i wonder how much money Maiden has made off of shirt sales alone throughout their career ...
It's an improvement, but still quite naff. The "skull & crossbones" of Eddie and the M-16's is a cool logo.

That dead skeletor in front of the tank looks like Dubya.

Good theme though -- Maiden are at their best when they write about war am i rite