The clip on that site sounds like a complete ripoff of Pantera/Down ... I mean, it's a cool song, but I can hear Phil, Dime, Rex and Vinnie in every note from guitars to drums and of course vocals.
Wow. That was very different. I didn't know Randy could sing like that, but he's excellent at it! Killer song! Definitely a big Pantera influence but it's rad!
They need to ditch the Mesa Mark IVs...I hate the way those amps record through ANY speaker/cab, preamp, or microphone. I owned two of them, and while they were pretty damn fun to play live, I hated recording them.

From listening to them rave about the IVs on the live DVD, I know that they like amps that are fucking tight for the speed muted triplets and what have you. So I'd say that both of them would sound way better through VHTs or something similar. Something a little more Marshally without those annoying, stiff, muffled Mark IV mids.

I don't even like the Mark IIC+s on the the early Metallica records...I just don't like the Mark series I guess, while most people worship them. :OMG:
i dig the new tune for sure. there is definetly some pantera influence coming through there. im excited to hear the whole album. i saw them on the unholy alliance tour on saturday and they fuckin rocked. slayer really shouldve picked a different band to open for them.
I love it but I can see how it is going to piss alot of old school LOG fans off....
What the Fuck!!! man i dont know about that one, gotta wait till the album comes out to really say shit other than i hope the whole album doesnt sound like that rehash shit
I am all for progression but you can't expect everyone to like it. I happen to dig this song but I am sure the album is still going to feel a little weird to me as a whole.
i think it sounds badass..i dont know why people would want to hear a new cd that sounds just like the old lamb of god..