*****New Metallic album cover leaked!!!****


I chuckled a bit.

St. Anger

Saint Anger 'round my dick
Saint Anger 'round my dick
He never gets respect (it is too small)
Saint Anger 'round my dick

You flush it out, You flush it out
Saint Anger 'round my dick
You flush it out, You flush it out
He never gets respect (it is too small)
Here's a crappy joke from yours truely...

So I heard Zakk Wylde was on the show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"

That's pretty funny man Zakk was really on it! So who's the straight guy?

Not nice, man....to make fun of gays! Right now, Freddy Mercury is swallowing in his grave!
Hey guys, tone it down. Even as jokes remember no calling names ;)
I heard clips of the new metallica album. Sounds halfway decent. Stylistically it sounds like what we SHOULD have got after they released the song I Disappear. Solos are back, but sadly the down tuning is too.

And James slips even further into his "gritty country singer" vocal style.
Thanks God this is AN ADULT(ehem, cough, cough)forum :rolleyes:
You're talking about VVVVV, or Worm Infested Intestinal Tract. He's ALWAYS been a twat. I can't believe they made him a mod. A bit like making GoD a mod - no sense to it, although GoD was a decent wee guy. VVVVV has always been overly opinionated and takes great, immature, pleasure in locking any thread about a band he's not interested in. Like I say - twat. I recently looked back at a thread I started about Akercocke years ago when Choronzon came out and VVVVV was spouting off about how bad the band were when it was clear he had no actual clue about their music. Fuck 'im.
Yah him, V5. Always looking for the slightest reason to lock a thread of any band he doesn't like. GoD was another twat as you said but i didn't think he was a decent wee guy at all.But not sure who is Worm Infestted Intestinal Tract? The other mod there is Doden (Nectarul)who isn't as bad as V5 in terms of locking threads but does look for stupid excuses from time to time and he gets a little out of hand at times with his pseudo-intellectualism and takes away the fun of discussions and/or music but he's not the only one just the most prominent one. The problem with that forum is that Deron let's neo-intellectual wannabe teenagers or kids run it who actually think they are mature but aren't and who play favorites with bands and UM members.
The problem with that forum is that Deron let's neo-intellectual wannabe teenagers or kids run it who actually think they are mature but aren't and who play favorites with bands and UM members.

Then just but curiosity, why you do frequent it? I guess Deron is doing right having a forum for the types you mentioned and having another forum (US) for the real thinkers :kickass: