*****New Metallic album cover leaked!!!****

Then just but curiosity, why you do frequent it? I guess Deron is doing right having a forum for the types you mentioned and having another forum (US) for the real thinkers :kickass:
Because you know im a fan of extreme metal and that is where it is discussed unfortunately.... by teenagers and kids who think that because they are book smart they are better then everyone but if you givee them a beating in real life it would bring them back down to reality lol :lol:
Christ, what a bunch of circle-jerking middle aged whingers with chips on your shoulders you lot are. No wonder I rarely come in here.

V.V.V.V.V. better not make any sudden turns or else your nose will get broken... I could really careless if you post here or not. I'm pretty sure this place will be a better place without you.

Note by the mod: I erased the post of that guy and I admonished him to leave the place and don't come back.
Now wait a minute...metallica apparently don't care what people think, remember?