To each their own, folks.
Want to listen to the new Metallica? Go ahead. Want to avoid it like the plague? Go ahead. Want to rave about it? Go ahead. Want to talk crap about it? Go ahead.
But everyone's entitled to their own opinion, & remember, the fact that it may differ from yours does not make it wrong or invalid. Also remember, attacking people or insulting them because of their opinions is a no no here..debate the idea, not the person.
To each their own, folks.
Want to listen to the new Metallica? Go ahead. Want to avoid it like the plague? Go ahead. Want to rave about it? Go ahead. Want to talk crap about it? Go ahead.
But everyone's entitled to their own opinion, & remember, the fact that it may differ from yours does not make it wrong or invalid. Also remember, attacking people or insulting them because of their opinions is a no no here..debate the idea, not the person.
no denying that.
While I realize that this is a metal forum, anyone who bases whether or not they like a piece of music on if it fits or how closely it fits into the metal (or any other) genre is mentally deficient. Zach, I realize you were probably drunk when you made the initial post...but come on dude, you're better than that
. If I (or a few others 'round these parts) were to use that kind of criteria for what they listened to, 90% of my music library would be obliterated. As far as death magnetic goes....I paid $9 for it after hearing it so obviously I don't think it sucks. I can't stand Kirk's lead playing, the drumming, the tremendous amount of autotuning, and the clusterfuck engineering...but other than that stuff I think it's a solid effort overall.
Oooh, like the Pete Townshend style of "research"...I seeSure I'll probably hear something of it further down the track, for research purposes only of course
Do I win because I haven't heard a single note from the new Metallica, and have no desire to care either way? Sure I'll probably hear something of it further down the track, for research purposes only of course, but other than that the best way to sum up my view on this is: "meh"
Do I win because I haven't heard a single note from the new Metallica, and have no desire to care either way? Sure I'll probably hear something of it further down the track, for research purposes only of course, but other than that the best way to sum up my view on this is: "meh"