I haven't listened to it yet, so I have no opinion at the moment. But I thought I'd share a couple of rambling stories and hopefully make some kind of point in the process.
Iron Maiden's 2006 "A Matter of Life and Death" was leaked before the official release. There were a lot of people trashing it on usenet, and consequently, I did not expect much from it. But being a diehard, I bought it anyway. My first couple of listens, I was not that impressed. But it grew on me, and eventually became one of my favorite Maiden albums of all time, tied for first with Seventh Son. So I guess what I'm saying is that just because a lot of people think it's a stinker, doesn't mean it really is a stinker, to everyone. To this day, a lot of Maiden fans hate that album. That's cool, too. But I love it,

and still listen to it a lot, and that's all that really counts for me.
Second story: Now I'm not bragging or anything, but I was probably the second person in Pittsburgh to ever hear Metallica. What happened was, a buddy of mine, Randy, worked as an intern at a local top 40 station. The radio station got all kinds of records sent to them. Being a Top 40 station, they threw any metal albums straight into the trash. So Randy would dumpster dive and pull out anything that looked like metal. One day he dove in the dumpster, thrashed around a little, and came out clutching... Kill em All!!
So he calls me up, and says, you HAVE TO HEAR THIS MAN!!! He brought it over, and wow....
You guys have any idea how groundbreaking that album was? We loved it - loved it!! There was nothing else like it.
At the time, Kill em All was released on some small record label. You couldn't even go into a National Record Mart and buy a copy. There was no internet. There was one import record store in town that carried it -- that was it. Humble beginnings, people!! Eventually, a major label picked them up, and the rest is history. Now, how many million albums have they sold?
So what's the point of the second story? I have no idea!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, these guys created a new genre of metal, back when Maiden and Priest were the heaviest bands around. And the fact that they are still around 25 years later, and still making records, and my daughters, my babies! are listening to them on their ipods, and taking guitar lessons, that alone is pretty cool. So give them some respect at least.
So many awesome metal albums have been released in the past 3 years alone
List 'em, please! Except for Maiden, and now SX, I've been out of the metal scene for a while, and I need to catch up. By the way, are you in a gaming clan called Xx Elite xX?