New Mix (Big Bottom + gh impulses, ad drums, quadtracked)

danke alter, aber irgendwie will uns keiner :( aber wir haben bald nen booker :-D

mixing real drums isn't the problem... recording them with more then one mic is :) I don't have the money for the mics I need. Oh yeah... lack of a good room was another point!
Sweet stuff!
What pickups are you using? i like the tone.
I'm not too sure about the snare... It doesn't cut through in some places and where it does, i'm not sure i like the sample...
The part at 1:09.5 where the guitars sort of break in.... that is amazing!
I havn't used any sample replacement. It's pure AD Drums. The matter it doesn't cut through sometimes could be too low velocities here and there.

thanks for the compliments, it was the second solo written and played by myself in my whole life :)

ah yeah, I used EMG 81 for the rythm guitars. For the solo I used the 85.

how could a pitch sifted guitar sound better than my real bass?....:waah:

more details of the guitars please :notworthy
It's gearbox only, quadtracked. I used the Big Bottom Modell with my LTD MH-1000, EMG 81.

you can download my preset right here (for those who can use it; you need the metalpack!):

I put a C4 on the guitars like andy sneap, not exactly like on the picture but I went from there to make it work with my guitars (I put it on the guitargrouptrack).
high/lowpass. no eq in the daw. that's it.
that really low sound is a subdrop compressed with RBass at 40hz really really hard. It's the longest subdrop I could find. I uploaded it for you right here:

The AD Preset is based on that one fudge86 did in his song "Egg". I changed some of the EQ here and there and worked on the compression a bit because I felt like a thief using it without changing anything because it's his (very well done) work. I reuploaded his preset (it's somewhere on the forum aswell) for you.