New ND Forum

NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Septembers Marc posted a message in our guestbook saying something about having problems logging in or something...not sure if he meant here or at the new forum. Did anyone else have problems getting in, I wonder? Could that possibly have been partial reason for the silence here?

I was able to read at the forum here but couldn´t log in lately...dunno why. And about the new forum: Paul was so nice to fix my problems with the login over there. Thanks again.
have you guys concidered a forum at it's free and there are lots of other bands fans who will straggle in from time to time. we have our forum there. and it's pretty active. not to say i don't like this forum.
Again, the point of us having the new forum at our website is not because we dislike Ultimate Metal at all. It's merely because the forum is a featured option that comes with the whole website package that we pay for, so it makes sense to use it since it's being paid for, y'know? Plus we have 100% control over it that way. We'd been offered a chance to have our forum at around the same time we were offered the chance to have our forum here at UM, and we chose UM. And I think we definitely made the right choice. Most of the people at that other forum don't like us much anyhow, it seems.
really? weird, i see a lot of positive talk there about you guys and the new album.
but, i was just merely suggesting it because it's free and they have the website link on there. on our site stats at our website, doom metal is over 40% of the referer.
I like I enjoy reading the forums, but some of the people there are pretty close minded. There's this whole inner battle with what "TRUE DOOM" is, and doom metal in general has been broken up into so many different genres, it's nuts. Stoner doom, Death doom, True doom, Funeral Doom... It seems people like to defend their favorite section of doom, and it really hurts the bands and the scene as a whole. I guess that's one way to assure the music stays underground, divide and belly ache. To be honest, the closed mindedness of the doom metal scene, mixed with the reputation of "doom" itself with other metal fans who don't like say Stoner doom, automatically lump us into that category and don't give us a fair listen. We get a lot of people who come to us saying we're nothing like they expected, and love our stuff now. I'm sorry, but for me personally, I don't want to be involved or associated with any group or scene that is that close minded. I can promise you this, there will be a few songs on the next CD that will piss off a lot of doom fans, and make it very clear we're not just a doom band anymore. Think Dark World Burden on steroids. :)
Greg B. said:
Well Circus... me and WOlftribe were at this kinda-bleh show one of my friends put on. We got to discussing some of my more infamous online ventures. He was clearly awed by how annoyed I managed to make several UM users, including members of Novembers Doom. Therefore, Tim set out to duplicate my successes . . . by bringing up bologna in random threads. On the forum ND says they're going to cease using.

Heh heh. I think the easiest way to annoy Novembers Doom is to call them doom metallers or Opeth clones, neither of which they are. But, I'm still gonna hide for a little while until Paul cools off.

damn, I forgot. I haven't put up the link to your website and this forum on my links page of my website. No wonder, the traffic is somewhat low.:Spin::loco:

I should check the site out as it has been alittle while. I really would like to look into a new Novembers doom shirt.:rock: