New Opeth Looks?

Crackfare said:
woah people i wasnt talkin about a revolutionary new style for
Opeth. I was looking more along the lines of"miakel might need a haircut"
or" Per should grow a beard" or"Mendez should wear camo"

nothing too fancy. Not like: "Opeth should dress like the Power Rangers!!"

Is your life really so empty and devoid of meaning that you sit there wondering and thinking "Hmm, Opeth is pretty good... but I do think Mikael could trim his moustache a little..."

Though I admit, sometimes I do find myself wishing I could braid Per's hair. When are they releasing Opeth dolls that come with one of those pink My Little Pony combs and hair pins?
Is your life really so empty and devoid of meaning that you sit there wondering and thinking "Hmm, Opeth is pretty good... but I do think Mikael could trim his moustache a little..."

Though I admit, sometimes I do find myself wishing I could braid Per's hair. When are they releasing Opeth dolls that come with one of those pink My Little Pony combs and hair pins?

No vhey! Yu 2?
illidurit said:
may as well dredge this up


dude i have seen that image of mendez so many times.. it just does not look like him at all!
dress up Mikael as Eminem for a day.

Could anyone imagine if all of Opeth went bald?
Miakel would look ugly, peter uglier, and yea...Mendez might look like Bruce willis LMAO.
Why are you guys posting on this thread it's kinda creepy (or gay if you want to say that). But equipment wise opeth should look into caparison guitars & see if they like them. They look pretty damn good to me.
WTF555666 said:
Why are you guys posting on this thread it's kinda creepy (or gay if you want to say that). But equipment wise opeth should look into caparison guitars & see if they like them. They look pretty damn good to me.
No way! Killswitch Engage use Caparisons...
GWAR! haha

I was thinking get a bit of ZZ top going on up there.

But seriously, I love Opeths total lack of Rock-Starism. If anything they should go hardcore and get haircuts. You know it's coming! (P.S. The future is ugly)