New Priest in 2014

Also, it's been 4 years since the last one, so maybe new Maiden too. Priest and Maiden in the same year. 2014 is looking to be amazing.
hopefully it's more in line with Angel of Retribution and not a massive steaming pile like Nostradamus.
Right but you don't actually like music, so let's have some context here.

Although, it's funny that you don't like music but you somehow like Nostradamus, which is an embarrassing Spinal Tap tier parody that's about as wimpy and unheavy as you can get. I would think that people who only listen to metal and hate everything else like yourself would actually be consistent with your opinions.
I agree there are a few good ones. The title track is awesome for sure. Wish the whole album was like that!
i loved Nostradamus. It was a great album. It definitely wasn't there best and there was some filler. I like that they did something different. I'm sure this next album will be more in line with Angel of Retribution.
I have three major problems with it. I feel like the songs are just poorly arranged and are evident that this band wasn't ready to do write a rock opera or needed an outside guy to consult with them on how to arrange it better. Everything from the lyrics, to the boring uninteresting interludes, and all the cringe-worthy cheesiness and general lack of Priest's identity just fell flat. There's an alarming lack of riffs as well - I would dare say that even Turbo was a heavier record than Nostradamus. They should have taken a few pages from Arjen's book before making this record - or straight up hired him on to help write it. Half of the record is boring and uninteresting, a quarter of it is cheesy and embarrassingly amateurish, and another quarter of it is passably good.

My second major problem was the production. Nostradamus sounds like KK recorded everything on Cubase with a 2007 model Line 6 POD XT, used cheap sounding freeware orchestra samples, and the drums sound like a drum machine. How can you literally have one of the most talented drummers in heavy music and not use him on your record is beyond me - but it's ridiculous. From a production standpoint, it sounds like a demo some 18 year old kid recorded on his laptop. When you think about guys like Michael Romeo and Arjen doing the same kind of thing for less than half the budget, and 50 x better sounding, it's pukeworthy.

And my third major problem was honestly, the subject matter was stupid and spinal tap tier. Couldn't they have thought of a better concept for a concept album? Maybe there was a way to make Nostradamus' life cool, but that didn't come across very well. I remember the Blabbermouth review of this album commented on this, but if they had truly thought of something cool here, what was the need in constantly shouting "I am Nostradamus!" throughout an entire song (and the entire chorus of the title track, which is anotherwise great song, is virtually the same thing)? It's almost as if they knew they didn't have enough to go on.

I don't see how anyone could seriously defend it aside from "it's PRIEST! MAN, HALFORD CAN SING ANYTHING AND I'LL BUY IT!"
"I don't see how anyone could seriously defend it aside from "it's PRIEST! MAN, HALFORD CAN SING ANYTHING AND I'LL BUY IT!""

It's funny...I don't see anyone here trying to make you like it, but I sure see you trying really hard to prove how the rest of us shouldn't. You don't like the album, fine....some of us do. Different people, different tastes.
"I don't see how anyone could seriously defend it aside from "it's PRIEST! MAN, HALFORD CAN SING ANYTHING AND I'LL BUY IT!""

It's funny...I don't see anyone here trying to make you like it, but I sure see you trying really hard to prove how the rest of us shouldn't. You don't like the album, fine....some of us do. Different people, different tastes.

I just thought I better explain why I don't like it instead of just posting that I don't. I'm not trying to make anyone think anything.
I didn't like Nostradamus, but I'm really not much of a fan of Judas Priest, anyway. The extent of their presence in my music collection is a greatest hits CD of the first Halford era.