New Queensryche Streaming

Listening now.

Song wise better than I expected, definitely has some hints of the Promise Land era with some new twists and turns here and there.

I do not like the production very much, even though (I hope?) this is not the final product. At times it "works" but all in all - just seems a bit lifeless. There's a particular set of "tin can" drums that always scream "Hi Mom!" when Rockenfield rolls across them. Very distracting. I also do not care for the muddy guitar tone - kills any chance at having an edge on the songs.

Todd does a good job. He's "nothing new" but he has a solid voice and it lends itself well to QR.
There's a particular set of "tin can" drums that always scream "Hi Mom!" when Rockenfield rolls across them. .

I really enjoyed it from start to finish. At the end of the day, i'm sure this release is nothing groundbreaking, but I do think the songwriting is far more solid than Geoff Tate's album, and the production is way better as well. "Spore" is my favorite thus far. It's the first Queensryche album since Empire that I didn't hit "skip". :) But that isn't really saying much I suppose.
I gave it a whirl .. twice .. it's a pretty good disc. I really had my doubts as to whether these guys could write decent tunes, but I'm pleasantly surprised. This is clearly the best material anyone from the Queensryche camp has put out since Promised Land.

I can't stand the production! In saying goes the rest

I like the 1st song alot. Todd sounds good
Spore is pretty strong, so far we're as good as Empire
In This Light is the most commercially approachable song so far. Todd sounds really good!
I didn't like Redemption then, I still don't care for it.
Vindication could slide in somewhere on Empire. Nothing new here, but well done
Midnight Lullaby???? Interesting
A World Without starts out nice and haunting. I like the buildup. Favorite track so far.
Dont Look Back....meh this point in time I'm getting a little bored
Open Road is what Queensryche does best. That slow start with the vocals front and center...but he does sing a Brighter Shade of Gray...Borrowing from Matheos & company.

This disc is a solid slice of pie...I swore to myself that I would not ever buy a Queensryche disc again after HNITNF and Q2K. I have to renig on that promise to myself
Thanks to Glenn for discovering Todd...without ProgPowerUSA we would not be seeing this improved version of Queensryche
I'll wait to hear a proper rip. That said, has any disc ever entered the market with lower expectations? Between what Queensrÿche has released since Promised Land and Geoff's latest solo effort, all Coverrÿche has to do is not shit the bed and the reviews will be glowing.
Thanks to Glenn for discovering Todd...without ProgPowerUSA we would not be seeing this improved version of Queensryche

I wasn't aware of Glenn/PPUSA's direct involvement in Queensryche/Rising West selecting Todd. I mean, I know that Todd first played with the Crimson Glory guys at PPUSA X, but I didn't know that had anything to do with the Queensryche thing. If so, then Todd's Wikipedia page needs some further updates...not that Wikepedia is always right... :heh:
I wasn't aware of Glenn/PPUSA's direct involvement in Queensryche/Rising West selecting Todd. I mean, I know that Todd first played with the Crimson Glory guys at PPUSA X, but I didn't know that had anything to do with the Queensryche thing. If so, then Todd's Wikipedia page needs some further updates...not that Wikepedia is always right... :heh:

I was not directly involved in that at all. I believe he is referring to the Crimson Glory set where Todd was introduced as one of the Crimson Glory vocal guests during the Midnight tribute show. Otherwise, he may not have gotten that subsequent fulltime gig with them, and etc, etc.
Listening these songs and thinking, if Geoff Tate incidences would not have happened and Geoff would have sung in this album, people would go crazy over this album !
I was sold on the album based on hearing the first three songs upon their internet release, so this just confirms my decision to purchase it. Barring a few bitter old metalheads *coughZodcough*, I can't see why anyone who enjoyed the first six releases wouldn't like the material presented here.

Now that I've heard both versions of Queensryche, I must say that Tate lost this battle. However, I don't agree with the legions of folks that bash his album. I would say that out of the ten new songs on the disc, seven of them are actually pretty listenable. That said, none of it reminds me of Queensryche. It really sounds like it should be considered a Geoff Tate solo effort, much like most of the Queensryche material released post-"Promised Land." I know that even no two early Queensryche albums sound alike (which was a big part of their appeal), but there was always a distinctive guitar sound and vocal execution that reminded you of what band you were hearing. That trademark sound was missing for quite some time. Thankfully, the remaining original members decided to bring it back.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Quality stuff! Let's face it, it's not going to bring them back to full glory, but it's a good album and it feels like a team effort, as opposed to the one-man-show that FU was. It's worth spending money on, at least, and that's something nobody's been able to say about Queensryche for a long time.
Glenn knew what I was getting at. Todd was incredible with the Crimson Glory tribute set, and set him off on his way.

I was not directly involved in that at all. I believe he is referring to the Crimson Glory set where Todd was introduced as one of the Crimson Glory vocal guests during the Midnight tribute show. Otherwise, he may not have gotten that subsequent fulltime gig with them, and etc, etc.
I was sold on the album based on hearing the first three songs upon their internet release, so this just confirms my decision to purchase it. Barring a few bitter old metalheads *coughZodcough*, I can't see why anyone who enjoyed the first six releases wouldn't like the material presented here.
Don't misunderstand... it's possible I may like the new disc. The fact of the matter, every year my Top 10 is populated by bands who aren't Queensryche. Even in their prime, Queensryche only occupied one spot in my annual Top 10. This disc would merely be one more by a band who isn't Queensryche. :heh:
Listening these songs and thinking, if Geoff Tate incidences would not have happened and Geoff would have sung in this album, people would go crazy over this album !

The problem with this thought is that if Tate had never been fired and they recorded a new album, it would probably be written by Jason Slater and sound like Kings &Thieves, DTC and F.U.

This album is the first Queensryche album I have purchased (pre order) since Promised Land and it's great to hear the signature Ryche sound again!
The progress stopped in 1997. I agree how it's "funny" that progressive metal bands get slammed for their progress, but in this case, it went so far that no one recognized the band...until now :)
I'm surprised more people don't like the song redemption. It's kinda heavy and has a super catchy chorus...... Todd sound fantastic!!

The new QR kind of reminds me of the last balance of power record without Lance, I think it's called Heathen Machine. Todd totally has that same vocal vibe going on.