Johan Liefvendahl

SW GuitarPlayer
Sep 21, 2008
After several months of going through applications from drummers from all over the world, Seventh Wonder is thrilled to announce that we have indeed found a new drummer! All will be revealed shortly, but there are a few loose ends that need to be tied before we are able to introduce the new drummer and officially welcome him into the SW family. Rest assured it will only be a matter of days!
New drummer found and to be revealed shortly? Can't wait, only 6 months until we find out :eek:

Glad you have found someone good, hopefully Seventh Wonder will be as great as ever :rock:
That is fantastic news :hotjump:!!

I'm very glad that you finally found someone who's capable of playing Johnny's parts and (equally important) fits perfectly into the group!
What? I thought on Thursday you were going to have us sign up for a newsletter that details behind the scenes of the auditioning process for the 7 greatest drummers in the world and give info as to when he MIGHT be announced. :P

Oh wait, that's Dream Theater...

Congrats! :)