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I smoke and have no problem with a female smoker. I'm pretty sure neither notice/smell it. Actually I have never gotten along with a female who does not smoke, they tend to make me want to smoke more. Can't deal with them.
Never smoked. Ever. My dad has always smoked and I never liked the smell of it. Add how much money the habit costs you over time... yeah, never even gonna start. Even if it's a great way to calm down...
I party smoked for awhile but stopped when I realised I started smoking the left overs when not drunk instead of saving them for next time or giving them away. Didn't feel like risking getting addicted even if beer and a ciggarete is a great combo.
Don't care if a girl smokes or not, don't see the big deal.
Smoking doesn't bother me. I bum one of off a friend now and then at a party, but I don't smoke regularly. The smell doesn't bother me much either, but if a hotel room smells of smoke I can't fucking stand it. I don't like the fact that the bedsheets and pillow cases are infused with the scent, as though the smoke is embedded in them. That grosses me out.
but if a hotel room smells of smoke I can't fucking stand it. I don't like the fact that the bedsheets and pillow cases are infused with the scent, as though the smoke is embedded in them. That grosses me out.
Yeah that I can agree on, smoking should be an outdoors activity only, when an apartment has "smoke-stains" on the walls and it smells from every little thing in it then it is kinda gross.
It turnes me off when a girl smokes. If they smoke these thin cigarettes it is acceptable for me, but when they smoke those normal ones it just doesn't look good. The smell after smoking is unpleasant to say the least. I would have to wait like 15 minutes after the girls smoking to be kissing with her.

Btw, is it me or does the GMD music forum is half dead lately.
Never smoked a cigarette.

I only drink every now and then, but when I do drink I generally get stupidly drunk.
I was going to buy a new Droid phone and just use it as my music player, but then I realize iPod's classic has 160 fucking gb storage on it and I was sold. That's virtually limitless imo.

So whatever, I'll just keep my current phone and enjoy my iPod. :kickass:

The thing I like best about it is I don't have to buy anymore cds, which are a pain in the ass to lug around, not to mention using cd players when walking about looks totally dated. haha
I went to see a couplew girls this past weekend and the house was hot and full of people smoking. It was not good and definitely a turnoff. I don't smoke so I'm never going to get used to a house being full of smoke.
I think people who can't stand smoke should stop being pussies :)

I don't smoke, but there are bars around here that still allow smoking even though there is a state-wide ban. You get used to it after a while.