New Social Thread

They made a path from Arkona to Belinda Carlisle in just 18 steps.

That's like getting laid 5 minutes after being born.

Belinda Carlisle to Judas Priest in 4 steps

That's actually weird, and unsurprisingly to do with Judas Priest's non metal session drummer.
I am currently very, very happy right now.

Last weekend I coordinated with my girlfriend's best friends for them to throw a surprise birthday party for her. All went well, until a couple days later I got an email from those friends saying I was a total asshole for not talking to them at the party, and not thanking them and such. I was like that because I was intimidated by them for somehow taking their best friend away from them.

Well I apologized to them but my girlfriend heard about it and took their side. I was in mortal fear she was turning against me. But I just had a nice talk with her online and she seems just as in love with me as ever. Helps that I've been exchanging emails with her friends and they seem to accept my apology for being a selfish misanthrope.

Funny how I view such emotional needs as inconsequential, yet they manifest so visceral. Glad things are back on an even keel, especially since we've both signed a lease on a house for next school year, in which we will be sharing a bedroom.
Not sure. I had a few during the party and was tired from not sleeping well, which caused me to be all solitary and such. But it was totally my fault for snubbing them. I wrote a long apology and they accepted it, and things seem to be back to normal.

But what I've realized after this weekend is that despite being so used to being independent and with almost no friends, that I had become so attached to my girlfriend that it was interfering with her relationships with her lifelong best friends. The burden is on me now, because we've been together 14 months, I need to tone things down a bit, not act so emotionally dependent on her, and maintain an independent state of being while still being in a romantic situation with her. Everything looks good from here, it looks, though.
Maybe I was under the wrong impression. I was thinking more along the lines of that they were pissed because you were talking to everyone but them.

Either way, its usually pretty natural for all the other hens to make a ruckus whenever one of their fellow hens is enraptured by a rooster.
I think people who can't stand smoke should stop being pussies :)

I don't smoke, but there are bars around here that still allow smoking even though there is a state-wide ban. You get used to it after a while.
:lol: I have ashthma son. And I didn't grow up in the smoking/drinking environments. The only time I go to bars is for sports events. That's it.
That's a weird thing to be happy about Zephyrus but the important thing is that you are happy.

Also re: smoking, no one should be forced to be exposed to it if he or she doesn't want to be. I feel a lot of things should be addressed with "man the fuck up" (like people on strict privileged-people-only organic raw food vegan diets who complain about their friends wanting to go out to a restaurant) but smoking is not one of those things.

Also it is not part of my job description to be attractive to people on forums or anyone period. And ********maskdudeXVII or whatever, I don't see why a chick smoking a thin cigarette > a chick smoking a regular cigarette. Cigarettes are cigarettes and they all kill you, no matter how they are marketed to the gullible consumer public. I suppose I'll take this opportunity to rub in some more salt - I only smoke 8 mg or higher tar, and I refuse to smoke anything with a white filter.

Oh and one more thing - alcoholism and nicotine addiction both suck, but while smoking is more likely to kill you in the long run, it doesn't change your personality the way being a severe alcoholic does. The amount of lying and bush-beating smokers do <<<<<< that of alcoholics. I think you'll find more people are reluctant to hang out with alcoholics than smokers.