New Social Thread

Alcohol gives me the confidence to attempt to chat up girls. For that alone, I forgive it all it's evils.
I'm not forgiving alcohol today. Fucking hung over on Father's Day, and it's no fun at all. My brother had a massive party at his house last night, and I took the opportunity to get wasted. Not a smart decision, considering we were having steaks and snacks all afternoon. I actually ate half a steak and managed to drink four more beers today, and right now I am exhausted and ready to collapse.
I replied back to your message Tom Brady. Unless there's one on LastFM?
I've been trying to see friends lately before I leave for Spain in two days.
Hope you have a great time ~Derek~. It will be a fun time for sure. What your plans in Spain? I'm sure they might have the Strikefore fight. Take pictures and post them on here. I've heard some great things about Spain.
I don't know about "rules", but she is 1000x better than Napolitano. The only AZ politics I am really interested in atm is kicking that scum McCain out of office. I am sure his replacement will be just as much of a neocon, but at least McCain can go fucking die in a cave somewhere.