New Social Thread

Getting my first tattoo done on Tuesday..getting it on my ribs+abs, complimentary with about a dozen people (including the artist) telling me that I'm in for a world of pain. Is it wrong for me to be aroused at the thought of that?
No. I actually liked the feeling of getting my tattoo. It's an interesting sensation. Though it was on my shoulder. Ribs might be too much.
Have to work tomorrow, but I get holiday pay and once I get off I'm going to catch a movie with this girl from work :)

Should be an awesome day imo
It's my first 4th of July being outside the United States. I'm really having fun here in Spain but it's unusual that it seems more like just another relaxed day here. Though around midnight, I heard fireworks going off.
When will people learn it's just a movie?

Guess you don't understand what psychological warfare is and the influence it has on society. Truth is stranger than fiction. A movie like that gives them ideas in their mind and sparks something. It is propaganda, the movie is. Learn history and you will find that things like that were done in the past as well, then look what happened following it.
No one was making a big deal in the 70's, when there were movies where the good black guy killed the bad white guy. The fake trailer for this movie didn't have a impact on the movie, but it does now because of this. People that this movie will make a race war, are the same people that get mad of South Park and Family Guy.
lol almost got a 3 day suspension at work for telling my manager fuck you

The asshole was accusing me of stopping to talk with another employee instead of doing something he had asked me to do. I was actually doing exactly what he had asked me to do ...

But he goes over to photo and starts accusing me of not doing my job, I raise my voice a bit to try and explain what I was doing, so we go into the office hallway and I try to explain more, but he continued to not listen.

I eventually get fed up, "Fuck you Ike, i'm leaving" and he goes on a ragefest and thankfully my other manager was there to calm things down because I almost got a write up and 3 day suspension for it.

Guess I should've controlled myself better, but continually interrupting me, refusing to listen to what happened, and in general overreacting completely is a good way to get me pissed off at you.