New Social Thread

Great job Mort! Way to be the better man!

I almost got a tattoo of Moby Dick yesterday but luckily the place we were going to go to was closed. Saved some money that way too!
It was a pretty dumb situation to get myself involved with, but whatever. Had to reschedule the movie day, but still holiday pay ftw
Yeah! I do get paid Wednesday too, which is when we have planned on it :D

Aww yeah 8) Now I just have to clean out my car >.>
No one was making a big deal in the 70's, when there were movies where the good black guy killed the bad white guy. The fake trailer for this movie didn't have a impact on the movie, but it does now because of this. People that this movie will make a race war, are the same people that get mad of South Park and Family Guy.

Yes but this is a movie that fits with the modern immigration situation and is a far bigger thing than any of those movies in the 70s. The message behind this movie is far more in-depth and specific than any of those movies.
lol almost got a 3 day suspension at work for telling my manager fuck you

The asshole was accusing me of stopping to talk with another employee instead of doing something he had asked me to do. I was actually doing exactly what he had asked me to do ...

But he goes over to photo and starts accusing me of not doing my job, I raise my voice a bit to try and explain what I was doing, so we go into the office hallway and I try to explain more, but he continued to not listen.

I eventually get fed up, "Fuck you Ike, i'm leaving" and he goes on a ragefest and thankfully my other manager was there to calm things down because I almost got a write up and 3 day suspension for it.

Guess I should've controlled myself better, but continually interrupting me, refusing to listen to what happened, and in general overreacting completely is a good way to get me pissed off at you.

Hello. I'm still enjoying my time in Spain, though I'm afraid my lack of dancing ability is going to hurt me socially with females. I'm friends with male and female Brazilian people here, and dancing is a big thing for them. I'll try to dance with them, but I fail at it and am no good. I've never been good at dancing, though that's the reason I'm taking a Spanish dance class. I fail at that too, but as long as I improve a little I'll be happy.
So what can I do to compensate for a lack of dancing skills? Because a lot of the time, the notion is that if you can't dance, you can't fuck.
Though the good thing is all these people are still talking to me like nothing happened.
Need a new tattoo, thinking about some horror\gore themed tattoo design. Any recommendations?
Im a gore hound and an insane fan of horror movies. But need some influences to get me started. So just asked if there are anyone with some recs. for some good stuff.