New Social Thread

Sweden is getting colder. And I sure as shit don't like it. I'm gonna move away from this clusterfuck as soon as I can. It's not fun living in a country where then sun is up for fucking 6 hrs/day and its constantly around or minus 0 celsius for 4-5 months!

Fuck this I'm movin to Cali.

0C is nothing, you don't even need a hat or gloves for that. What sissy part of Sweden do you live in?
0C is nothing, you don't even need a hat or gloves for that. What sissy part of Sweden do you live in?
I bet you live in Norrland. And yeah, I live in fjollträsk Stockholm, but even if i had been brought up in Norrland i swear to God i would have still hated the fucking cold.
I really like the Santa Monica Pier. The last time I was there was when MP and I went to LA for a few days. I took off my shoes and ran around the beach barefoot but it was January and the sand was so cold I thought I was going to get frostbite on my feet.
I would consider finals are over the 9th but I'm probably not going home till the 20th and everyone I know has finals till at least the 16th, so I would probably be down as long as it's not too expensive.
Well, I'm around until the 17th. Greyhound is probably the cheapest way to go but you might as well check Via Rail too.

zabu of nΩd;9511342 said:
Well, I'm around until the 17th. Greyhound is probably the cheapest way to go but you might as well check Via Rail too.
Looks like I'll actually be heading home on the 11th to pick up some extra jew tokens at Walgreens...
but we could still do the Boston mega-meetup - you, me, zeph and v5. Although Andy grinched out last time...
The high tomorrow is 47, fuck. Grant, dress warm.

Don't worry, the Grand Canyon has given me a crash course in cold weather tolerance. The weather here is fucking brutal.

I realise we need to agree on a time + place to meet tomorrow since I lost my phone, so I'll send you a PM in a minute. Let me know ASAP if it doesn't work for you.
zabu of nΩd;9509500 said:
Honestly I feel bad for you about last night, I was too tired to think by the time you rolled up and I had great difficulty hearing your voice over the bar noise so I just couldn't hold a conversation. Would have been much nicer if we'd met earlier in the day while we were out and about, but unfortunately your schedule didn't work for it. Better luck next time man :(

Hey don't worry about it! You had a ridiculously long day, and the lighting in the bar was not exactly merciful on the tired!

Who knows, maybe we'll meet again at MDF 11!

Oh and unknown, I checked out Axis of Perdition and they rule. Good rec :kickass:
zabu of nΩd;9513148 said:
Don't worry, the Grand Canyon has given me a crash course in cold weather tolerance. The weather here is fucking brutal.

It's WAY unseasonably cold in AZ right now. Not a happy camper atm.
Fukuoka is fucking cold too. I am going to have to wear earmuffs on my run after work.

Also it is Thanksgiving and I am at work because it's not a holiday here. My friend with whom I deep fried and beer battered cheeseburgers is hosting Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday though so that will be AMAZING.

My druid friend finally gave me clearance to buy our train tickets from Mannheim to Berlin. I am a VERY happy camper.

Time is flying. 31 days until Germany. 30 days until Christmas. 29 days until I turn 24.