New Social Thread

That sounds fun d00ds. I want to play.

I spent the weekend in the mountains with my favorite friends shoving beer and chocolate covered pretzels into our faces. We went on a mini hike, sat around naked in natural outdoor hot springs, and played Apples to Apples for two hours. Very nice.
Taking a moment to vegetate in the hotel room before I make a solo excursion out to Hollywood Blvd tonight, and maybe Sunset Strip if I feel like it though it might be dead on a sunday night, not sure. So much fucking driving today... this city's a bitch to get around, haha.

He's just making his rounds, visiting various UM members, cuz he's got a fucking bankroll now.

It sounds like Unknown's a better host than I was. I actually made Grant walk around the city on his own for one day.
He just had more free time over the weekend. Also since he's lived here most/all of his life he knows his way around really well. Both of you were kickass hosts though.

Grant should come hang with me.
I would consider it. Probably a few other cities in north america I want to visit before Montreal though.

Yeah likewise, it was great meeting you guys! I'm fairly sure I'll be able to make it out tonight again for round 2
Honestly I feel bad for you about last night, I was too tired to think by the time you rolled up and I had great difficulty hearing your voice over the bar noise so I just couldn't hold a conversation. Would have been much nicer if we'd met earlier in the day while we were out and about, but unfortunately your schedule didn't work for it. Better luck next time man :(
Unknown is going hiking?

I for one am shocked.


it wasn't anything hardcore. just a stroll through a santa monica canyon

It sounds like Unknown's a better host than I was. I actually made Grant walk around the city on his own for one day.

Grant drove today, so it balanced out. It was better I drove yesterday on account of Grant drinking excessively and falling asleep in the bar :lol:

oh and the puking did not stop when I got to his hotel this afternoon just for the record :lol:
so met up with Vihris and Pessimism yesterday in Hollywood and had a nice man-date. First order of business was to get Vihris to In-N-Out. Then we went back to his hotel and had a couple of drinks. Then it was off to the Griffith Observatory. After that we went to Amoeba. Then Pessimism had to leave.

Aye, and I got to sleep on a couch with my woman curled up into a ball :lol: Well worth it though.

Also, as I promised:


Grant drove today, so it balanced out. It was better I drove yesterday on account of Grant drinking excessively and falling asleep in the bar :lol:

oh and the puking did not stop when I got to his hotel this afternoon just for the record :lol:

Did you crash in Grant's room? Did you continue my egging him on for more shots? and most importantly (if you said yes to #1), were you able to find some damned cheap parking in that damn city?
Did you crash in Grant's room? Did you continue my egging him on for more shots? and most importantly (if you said yes to #1), were you able to find some damned cheap parking in that damn city?
He went home and drove back the next day. He actually was able to park at my hotel, I asked the mgmt this time (sorry for not checking on that Saturday). No drinking before we left for hiking since I was hungover. On our way to the hike, I had to pull off to the shoulder of PCH once to empty the rest of my stomach contents onto the road. I would have loved to see the facial expressions of the drivers passing me at the time :lol:
the "Import More Wolves" was brought up in a discussion about the ridiculous amount of people on earth, particularly in los angeles...we were talking about thinning the herd and reducing the population and Pessimism said something to the effect of "Import More Wolves" which I thought would be an awesome bumpersticker

the "I'm Gonna Kill You, Ray Romano" pic was what pessimism had promised to do. he told us he had seen this tattoo...I couldn't believe it, so he said he'd post it

and he did
We should have a Toronto meet up. WAIF hop on a greyhound, and you, me, and Death Aflame can have a threesome if you know what I mean.

I would consider finals are over the 9th but I'm probably not going home till the 20th and everyone I know has finals till at least the 16th, so I would probably be down as long as it's not too expensive.
V5, did you have a different name when I first joined because I don't remember you posting then at all
Sweden is getting colder. And I sure as shit don't like it. I'm gonna move away from this clusterfuck as soon as I can. It's not fun living in a country where then sun is up for fucking 6 hrs/day and its constantly around or minus 0 celsius for 4-5 months!

Fuck this I'm movin to Cali.

The Santa Monica Pier was beautiful today. Granted, it's pretty family friendly compared to Venice Beach, but it's far more of a spectacle. Probably was the best part of my day tbh since the Getty Center ended up being closed, and I didn't really have much of a sense of direction for the day aside from that. Weekdays in L.A. aren't too exciting it seems. Got some nice pictures in the Hollywood hills. El Pollo Loco is some damn good mexican fast food -- it really puts Taco Bell in the dump. Too bad they don't have those out in ye olde Virginny.

I bought too much alcohol for this trip, so I'm probably gonna get randomly drunk in the hotel room tonight and be dead on my feet tomorrow morning when I have to fly out to Flagstaff.
Getty was closed? Pretty fucking gay, since the Getty is always awesome. I need to go to the Getty center in Malibu, because the Villa looks fucking sexy as hell.