New Social Thread

For the first time I slightly respect Manpurse. I am mostly anti-condiment myself. Now if he would just dump the manpurse and I might develop a slight mancrush.
Fucking condiments, man, the government uses them to control us. If you knew what I knew, if you heard what I heard, you'd never use condiments again.
That reminds me of this amazing hot sauce a fraternity brother lent me for a burger one night while we were doing a cookout. He didn't keep it in the apartment fridge, and I never saw it again after that night. I should have written down the name of it. Fuck, I haven't talked to that guy in years and I'm thinking of messaging him on Facebook just to ask about the sauce.
Do it!

I love hot sauce, but I've never stumbled across anything that isn't tabasco sauce tbh. Fuck that shit's good.
I really like Frank's Red Hot sauce. Not very hot, but has a great taste. Also, I have this jar of some asian hot pepper thing I got at a Super 88. I forget what it's called, but it's fucking awesome. Pretty damn hot, but it doesn't burn so much as it heats your throat. Tasty.
Interview at 2 PM on Monday. Time to bone up on terminology

I didn't get called back for a second interview. I sent an e-mail to the person who interviewed me and asked what I could have done differently (if anything) and how I can improve my interviewing skills for the next time. I don't really expect a response though.