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Awesome,it looks like it was pretty bad,it hit at 1pm when everyone was on their lunchbreak,buildings collapsing and alot of casualties.I can't believe it when I see so many natural disasters happening around we are'nt on a fault line or have tropical weather that also causes problemsI can't imagine what it'd be like going through something like that,mother nature is pretty pissed off atm.

Well then.
I want to post the end of this debate I had with Dodens since it was interesting and he left me blue-balled on it:
(1:27:35 AM) Skjebnevette: consciously and voluntarily distorting your perceptions and limiting your faculties for recreational pleasure is irresponsible and I don't see how this can be denied
(1:29:18 AM) ranwon98: what you're overlooking is that people distort their perceptions and limit their faculties for more reasons than just pleasure
(1:29:43 AM) Skjebnevette: no
(1:29:44 AM) Skjebnevette: bye
Dodens is a very smart guy, but his view on drug use is rather narrow-minded imo.
"Consciously and voluntarily distorting one's perceptions" through drug use is inherently irresponsible now, is it? I don't really want to get into that debate, but I disagree.

Obviously if one develops a habit of doing so (getting baked every day/becoming an alcoholic/etc), or if one tries a more addictive substance, then yes, that is irresponsible; having a drink or lighting up a fucking joint on a rare occasion... I don't think that's irresponsible at all.
Well I decided to make a complete lifestyle change and move out of New York City. I am moving to South Portland, Maine this summer and was actually looking for some advise from people who have been through this before.

My biggest problem is going to be finding a job without a degree. I'd like to find something that pays 10-15 dollars an hour but I understand that is going to be difficult. I would consider bar-tending but that is exactly what I'm trying to get away from. My toxic lifestyle is taking a toll and I really want to start healthy and fresh. I recently bought a truck and I'm ready to drive up and take on some job opportunities and interviews this weekend. I was actually considering working on a boat as a deckhand and learning how to lobster fish and whatnot.

I have saved up around 10,000 to do this and I feel like if I don't do it this year I never will. I'm going to be 28 this summer and it's time to find out what I'm actually capable of. Saving up and going back to school is my goal but I really need to start from the ground up...

I know you guys don't know me that well but any advise would be appreciated. Thx in advance.
I used to know a Nova Scotia lobster fisherman. He said the work was hard as hell but was like 6 months of nonstop work and 6 months off. Made killer money if the fishing was good though. He made enough in 2 years to take the 3rd year off, so basically off for a year and a half.

Good job on getting out of the city. Major cities are basically boils on the face of the earth imo. Once you get away from them you wind up wanting to avoid them.
Went to work today not feeling so great... about an hour in I went to the bathroom and threw up. The janitor was in there... and as I came out, my manager said see you tomorrow and waived and said BYEEEEEEEE!

*sigh* Money not earned.
I would take with a grain of salt anything that anybody says in an instant messaging conversation, especially when earlier in that conversation said person said this (I use Trillian, hence the different format):

[00:52] Dodens Grav: you have to understand that the majority of things that I say are said for their immediate impact and not for the way that they correspond to the reality of facts

And by the majority of things I say I meant the things I specifically was saying in that conversation. But, of course, willfully impairing your faculties IS irresponsible by its very nature. That doesn't mean one should be forbidden from doing so ever or that one should always be fully responsible at all times.

Dakryn: I would drink beer if I actually liked it, but I don't. Frankly, it probably just saves me a lot of money.