Well I decided to make a complete lifestyle change and move out of New York City. I am moving to South Portland, Maine this summer and was actually looking for some advise from people who have been through this before.
My biggest problem is going to be finding a job without a degree. I'd like to find something that pays 10-15 dollars an hour but I understand that is going to be difficult. I would consider bar-tending but that is exactly what I'm trying to get away from. My toxic lifestyle is taking a toll and I really want to start healthy and fresh. I recently bought a truck and I'm ready to drive up and take on some job opportunities and interviews this weekend. I was actually considering working on a boat as a deckhand and learning how to lobster fish and whatnot.
I have saved up around 10,000 to do this and I feel like if I don't do it this year I never will. I'm going to be 28 this summer and it's time to find out what I'm actually capable of. Saving up and going back to school is my goal but I really need to start from the ground up...
I know you guys don't know me that well but any advise would be appreciated. Thx in advance.
That is a hell of a change! I have, unfortunately, no advice for the area or for jobs in that area - but I hope for the best

Seriously, good luck.