New Social Thread

The expression "suck my dick" really needs to be reconsidered. I mean, you wouldn't let just anyone come near your most prized possession, the very definition of your manhood? Chillin' with your p33n has to be EARNED, bro! It's only for those around you who have proved themselves worthy. Keep casual acquaintances and foes FAR from your package.

Letting someone smooch your pouch is nothing but a sign of affection. Saying "suck my dick" in a casual, yet longing voice should be beckoning call to those closest to you. Your enemies can suck someone else's dick.

QFT. Guys are at their most vulnerable during a BJ. Given how many posts I've read where so many guys hate women on this forum, I'm surprised any of you let a woman near you. Far as I can tell, we're all bitches. :P
wish granted:


Man, my bank account is finally being replinished. I had over $7k in the bank and pretty much blew it all within a span of three weeks. But since I just sold that truck and a few other things we're back in business! It would be more though had I not dropped $1500 on my car as a down payment + a few extras here and there to make it look badass.

Oh well, totally worth it.

And now you all know my financial situation. I don't know why I felt like sharing this. meh
You're a pervert Cron, obviously the patch is about women enjoying the company of men who are willing to spend money on a fine evening of rustic cuisine.

The patch discusses issues of class and elegance you dolt.