New Social Thread

Well King Blazed falls in with the King Drunkard theme more than King Ganj, because being a drunkard is an action or a state of being, as is being blazed. King Ganj would mean I'm the king of weed.

Wait a second, that is way better. FUCK
King Unknown sounds badass

so I got back from Texas yesterday. Everytime I leave the board for just a few days, it's like there's so much shit to wade through and to catch up on

The closest word I find is 'taeter -a -um' which means "foul, offensive, ugly, or disgraceful."

That's what it says in my dictionary. Underneath is the verb.
quack intr tetrissitare

There was a user named llamaking. I think he was around my age or younger, and the only thing I remember about him is how he was sad about breaking up with the girl he lost his virginity to.
I don't have my Latin dictionary with me, just my computer program and it doesn't register. What dictionary do you have and please take a picture.
It's called The New College Latin & English Dictionary.
