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What the hell is it with blacks and claiming Egyotian history. Perhaps we have some history students here who can shed some light on this, but as I recall, Egypt only had Nubian pharaos during one single dynasty; entering in the 'third intermediate period', before being run away again by invading peoples from Mesopotamia.
Actual black people are typically from sub-Saharan Africa. I personally wouldn't consider people like Libyans and Egyptians black. People often just join 'black' and 'African' together out of either ignorance or trying to be overally politically correct. You can be African without being black. So yea, Egyptian history is not a part of black history.

EDIT: especially considering the ancient Egyptians often based their societies and slaves on skin color. In general the whole "ancient Egypt counts as black"-movement came out of some of the more radical parts of the American civil rights movement.
The origin of Egypt was actually with darker skinned people. They were not as dark as most Africans, but they were darker and more black looking than their modern counterparts. The reason most people wouldn't think so was because men colored their skin gold. So basically, in most depictions you don't get their actual skin color.

Also, the people in the northernmost third or half of Africa are all related to people as far out as the Arab peninsula. You can't technically call them (the people in the Arab peninsula) black, but they're all related to people considered black. It's still crap that tons of African Americans claim ancestry by learning Arabic and converting to Islam because that's about as dumb as an Irish American exploring his roots by eating lots of gyros, taking on a Greek name, learning Greek and converting to the Greek orthodox church. Most African Americans have no idea what part of Africa their ancestors were from, and many Africans are not even part of the Afro-Asiatic people culturally, genetically, or linguistically.

This one night I met an African American who claimed to be a Hebrew and said that everyone in the bible was black.

Anyway, the Egyptians were/are Afro-Asiatic. Their skin was not straight up black, but their cultural, linguistic and genetic makeup were closer to people that could be described as having black skin than say, Indo-Europeans, Turks, and whatever other people happen to live in the Middle East besides people of Afro-Asiatic descent.