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I had some nostalgic associations with Corey, The Lost Boys was one of my favourite movies as a kid. But other than that he was quite laughable.
Is one of the ways to a guy's heart, is through videogames? For the last few months, I have been talking to this guy and hoping it to become serious, but no, he wants to just have that "friends with benefits" relationship. I don't need that or want that. Although, I do really like him. So, I decided to just not be so hopeful with him and maybe look for another guy. I never wanted to date a someone from my school or younger than me. But, weirdly, I have been really attracted to this guy. He goes to my school and a year younger than me. I'm not sure how to approach him because I am in this class trying to paint and get my work done. But, he does hangout with my younger brother sometimes and I was going to have my brother hangout with him and kind of ease my way in, but that seems too desperate. But, one of things I do know is that he loves videogames. I always hear him talk and it is always about Call of Duty. "COD this, COD that, COD lah blah blah". And personally, I am not a fan of it. It's a great game and all but I just cannot get used to it. I still reside as a Halo Fan and I always get burned for that. But, is videogames one of the ways to a guy's heart? I was going to try and hangout with this kid and maybe just play videogames because I do enjoy them myself, but that is all I know about that new guy. And I was thinking since he enjoys videogames, why not use them to get closer to him? I don't talk to him and I know that communication is a big part to a relationship or becoming close with someone, but I'm not sure how to deal with anything.
That does not make anything. What happened with my iPod was first block (7:30-9:06) and this boy I am currently attracted to is not black and in last block (12:38-2:10). I am in this art class 3 times a day. Different blocks, different people my friend.
A gamer dude would definitely love a gamer girlfriend, but it means nothing in the scheme of a relationship. I guess it would help if you're trying to get to know him. Just make sure to beat him at his favourite video game, that'd piss him off immensely maybe he'll like you more. :p
Thanks. And yeah, right now I am just trying to get close to him and get to know him. Then go more towards the relationship part. According to what he talks about, his favorite game is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or whatever it is. I am complete garbage at it. I don't normally play it, but I guess I could warm up at it. But the other thing is if things do progress and I try to take it further, I don't want to be only thought of as "the girl I can play videogames with" and nothing more. But videogames would be pefect for this. I don't know. First I need to get the power to actually talk to him.
Why don't you just tell him that you're interested in him, but only if he wants a real relationship?

As far as acting tomboyish to get close, I would say that's a bad idea unless you make it very clear that you're into him.
It never hurts to be better at a Call of Duty game; I however rec. Battlefield (that's besides the point though).

Just tell him you like him, some guys like the straight away no bullshit. Some don't though, so... yeah. I'm just going to agree with WAIF's last comment.
^I would be one of those people. I had quite a few good relationships start through texting and whatnot, that's a good way to say awkward shit.
Why don't you just tell him that you're interested in him, but only if he wants a real relationship?

As far as acting tomboyish to get close, I would say that's a bad idea unless you make it very clear that you're into him.

I'm not ready for denial or anything so I cannot be as open as I would like. That is why I just want to be friends with him and see if anything can happen. But I am sure he doesn't like me. Wouldn't he off acknowledged me? Aren't guys the more to make the move? I don't talk to him at all, but I am near him and smile at him once in awhile when he catches me looking his way. Most guys that I talked to or dated, were the ones to approach me. I don't want to seem desperate and according to my mom I am. Also the denial thing. I don't know.

Yeah, I know. That is why I am contemplating with the whole videogames idea. I don't want to seem like a "buddy" to him. I mean, I can be both.
You sound pretty desperate. Sounds like he's not gonna make a move. Either you do it or you give up on it; just giving coy looks to a guy who isn't interested is just embarrassing yourself. Go and talk to him; no guy will ever be upset about a girl showing interest in him, even if it's unwanted.
the best way is wait for his move. if he is interested in you, sooner or later he'll ask you about a relationship. otherwise you'll apear easy to him, and it's a bad bad thing. be patient and treat him the best you can.
You sound pretty desperate. Sounds like he's not gonna make a move. Either you do it or you give up on it; just giving coy looks to a guy who isn't interested is just embarrassing yourself. Go and talk to him; no guy will ever be upset about a girl showing interest in him, even if it's unwanted.

Well, thanks. I guess my mom was right. I probably won't. Maybe when I get some confidence and will power, I will begin my relationhsp looking. I just don't know if he is interested, that is the whole point. And I guess he is not since he hasn't approached me. Awesome. I mean if he is going to stare at me back, I am not just going to be dumb and look away, I will give him a smile once in awhile. I just don't care anymore. Maybe I'm not fit for this right now.