New Social Thread

Most definitely.
Although Onder's definitely the runner up.

I think the all-time funniest post on this forum was one Xorv made a few years back with all these pictures of Nazi dolls. It was absolutely magnificent.
Pretty sure I'll be raking in 6K next semster (January thru April). Very excited about that. For an academic with only a couple BA degrees and working in his field, that's pretty fucking awesome.
διδάσκω τὰς τε Ἑλλήνων καὶ Ῥωμαίων γλῶσσας ἐν τῃ τῆς Μαίνης Ακαδήμειᾳ.

Doceo linguas Graecorum Romanorumque apud Universitatem Mainensem.
Oh. I confused it with the Spanish conjugation that would be haces. Sounds like a fun job. I'll be doing something like that, only with English in a couple months.
Pretty sure I'll be raking in 6K next semster (January thru April). Very excited about that. For an academic with only a couple BA degrees and working in his field, that's pretty fucking awesome.

So... $1500 a month, if we guesstimate that you are spending the typical 40/hr workweek that half of graduate students do (some do way more, some way less), then that's what, $9.3 an hour?

Someone check my math for me.