New Social Thread

New Age music (not the "I discovered the sitar setting on my keyboard" type) + peace and quiet to study and read = bliss.
I am now employed! I am now working at a call center; meaning I am now scum of the earth (aka a telemarketer). wolololololo
Bet you won't last 6 mos. Call center's are usually have shitty managers. I lasted 14 months in one just as CS. Call center in this town went out of business because they just couldn't find anyone that would work there anymore.
Well this one's a very new company here, so I don't know how long it'll last. In the meantime though, it'll be some decent pay, so I'm not complaining.
Don't we do that every year?

Anyone ever wonder what the children of the children born in the 00's are going to be like? Is there even a name for the last decade?
I'm thinking either that, or kids who think their parents are lame for spending too much time online, being socially awkward, and not having many close friends, and thus try to be the opposite.