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I don't mind the touchpad, but a mouse is always preferable, especially if I'm doing anything involving a lot of clicking (Games, GP, etc).
They don't like "Indian" much better, but at least the connotations of the word "Indian" are less offensive, coming from the Latin "in dios", or "of god" (I think; get Zeph in here).

Of god in Latin is dei, I think the de deus could be used, too, but I've never seen it that way. Indian comes from the name of the Indus valley. Indus was a Dravidian name, I believe. Either that or it's the Sanskrit version of the Dravidian name. "Us" is a very Indo-European declension that I've seen (with some variation) in pretty much every (ancient) Indo-European language.

Btw, dios is the Spanish word. That may be where you got it. :P And "in" in Latin more or less has the same meanings as it does in English, but it can also mean on, onto, or into depending on context.
Interesting. I should have thought of that considering I'm aware of the geographic location of the Indus Valley and the fact that Columbus was looking for India. I just assumed that since people from India call their country Bharat (at least in modern times) that the word Indian came from Latin or romantic language origins.
I have a Mac, too, and I prefer a wireless mouse. I like to right click instead of control click.
DP or finger trap?

I need help here:

Urban Dictionary said:
A sexual position predominately used by homosexuals as a method of mutual masturbation; two men inserts their penises into either sides of a Chinese 'Finger Trap' toy while moving back and forth in order to stimulate an orgasm. The two men can also high five during the act to achieve a modified 'Eiffel Tower'.
Urban Dictionary said:
Traditionally it is an ancient chinese finger toy. On the street it is used in reference to a girl that has been known to have sex with two men at the same time from both ends, hence resembling a chinese finger trap, complete with the pulling and pushing.
Urban Dictionary said:
Taking the foreskin of one penis and wraping it around another.
Urban Dictionary said:
A form of handjob where the woman places her palm on the head of the penis, draping her fingers down over the shaft. The woman typically then lifts her hand while simultaneously bringing her fingers together. This is generally used in "fooling around" situations, or by inexperienced women who don't really get what feels good and what doesn't.
I actually use my laptops touchpad quite a bit for photoshop. Oddly, it's way more precise than a mouse, and comfortable too.
zabu of nΩd;10084350 said:
I need help here:

Gotta love Urban Dictionary. Where else do you find such thorough articles on the Alabama Crabdangle or the Cincinnati Bowtie?
I don't know a ton about computers, but I prefer using Macs mainly because they have qwerty keyboards and spellcheck for a bunch of languages pre-installed and languages are kind of my thing. I don't act like Macs are better than PC's, but I do get very annoyed when people say shit like "oh, you have a Mac. LOL FAGGOT."
I applied for a job at an apple store. Those motherfuckers have to be taking a lot of (e) to act like that constantly........
I somehow successfully installed Adobe Creative Suite on my new laptop using a serial key that, on my desktop, didn't work back in April, but now inexplicably worked. So now it's all systems go in terms of working on the magazine, finally. Unless something mysteriously fucks up.