New Social Thread

I wouldn't recommend taking xanax, or, for that matter, any of that big pharma state certified mind altering drugs, on a regular basis Zeph. I see plenty of those kind of guys in the pharmacy and they're just weird, like their spine fell out of their ass weird. If you're having trouble with anxiety, or whatever, developing a dependence on something to fix it for you isn't the answer. It doesn't work. I don't think what you're going through is a problem, so to speak, but something that's fairly normal and just needs to be worked through without the help of anybody except for yourself.
I had a somewhat similar problem when I studied in England this past month, but I just attributed that to culture shock and nothing much else. It passed, as I'm sure your problems will once you start taking classes and TAing and stuff.
Holy shit dude. You need to chill out and get a :kickass: in you

Alcoholism may have been a contributing factor to this depression and maladaptiveness I'm experiencing. I probably should put a moratorium on that for a while, especially if I'm prescribed any drugs.

You're trying to get your mind right and you think attending a church is the best way to go about it?

da fuq

I need to go whatever I can to set my mind straight. It's easier to engage in an ecclesiastical spiritual system than to construct one on my own, at least not at this time.

I wouldn't recommend taking xanax, or, for that matter, any of that big pharma state certified mind altering drugs, on a regular basis Zeph. I see plenty of those kind of guys in the pharmacy and they're just weird, like their spine fell out of their ass weird. If you're having trouble with anxiety, or whatever, developing a dependence on something to fix it for you isn't the answer. It doesn't work. I don't think what you're going through is a problem, so to speak, but something that's fairly normal and just needs to be worked through without the help of anybody except for yourself.

Oh trust me. I know that throwing chemicals at the problem won't solve it. But I've noticed the past few days that whenever I took a Xanax or downed a Red Bull, it's given me enough of a boost that I can maintain a positive attitude in tandem with it. My parents have been on heavy doses of antidepressants for years, and they're just fine. It's not like I'm binging pills.

zabu of nΩd;10386677 said:
Stay cool man -- once you get into the swing of grad school you'll feel better.

I'm just glad i've never felt myself to be suffering greatly at the hands of weed. In moderation it's always seemed like a net gain.

Thanks, Brosephus. The stoner life is behind me now, and though it helped me think in different ways, it was ultimately at the cost of so much else. Time to regain those powers I once had.
I'm inclined to agree with Master_Yoda77, its possible that a lot of the anxiety is connected to your recent big move.

And I hope the priest at the church says good sermons, I'm Orthodox myself and theres nothing worse than some Catholic-bashing sermon to ruin the good feeling after a liturgy.
I need to go whatever I can to set my mind straight. It's easier to engage in an ecclesiastical spiritual system than to construct one on my own, at least not at this time.

I agree here. I'm about as anti-Christian/Catholic/etc. as they come, but the fact is dogma is a very vital part in man's existence. I don't agree with how you've chosen to get your fix of dogmatic ritual, but I think that if it works for you, go for it brother.
Also, I just went through some old pages from back when I was still fairly new 'round these parts. Man, shit has changed. I miss how awesome GMD Social used to be... I shed a tear now...Genocide Roach, Eligos, and Ender Rises posted here. Monoxide_child was still a fresh abortion gone wrong. Cookie_cutter wasn't a rarity. V5 learned us all about how Gorepoflesh is amazing and is the only way to prove whether or not someone is a Fag...*sniff*...
Alcoholism may have been a contributing factor to this depression and maladaptiveness I'm experiencing. I probably should put a moratorium on that for a while, especially if I'm prescribed any drugs.

Yeah, you're right. Drinking is a temporary fix and much too easy. Ever think about hiking? I mean we all know the benefits of exercise but being outside in a natural setting seems to be really restorative in an existential sorta way.
For once I kind of agree with rms. Thinking you have a genetic predisposition to this stuff will keep it happening.

It's like me getting irritated on my tolerance breaks from weed. I only did because everyone was saying "it makes you get irritable!" Now I can do it no problem. I act like nothing's different. I don't think "oh man, I'm gonna get so pissed off because I have no weed."

Also, it's good to watch food and drink intake.

Did you have three meals at regular times each day during your road trip, Zeph?
I'm notoriously intolerant/skeptical of many self-diagnoses of mental illnesses.

That said, I'd definitely suggest avoiding anything that could result in building up crutches in your mind. It's easy to go

"I feel depressed --> I am mentally ill"
"I feel stressed --> I suffer from anxiety and need Xanax"
"I have a blazeover --> I am having a major psychiatric episode"
"Pot made me feel stupid --> I am stupid"

but wait until all your alternatives (church, hiking, focusing on banal things that won't stress you out) fail you. Eat your greens, get some fresh air, avoid all psychoactive vices, accept that you just moved and moving fucks with everyone's heads.
I honestly find you to be a bit of a twerp, but I applaud your current path to finding mental and emotional balance, Zeph. Abstaining from weed and alcohol at this point should be for the best. However, alcohol use is a big part of the post-grad world - a continuation of undergrad, no doubt - so I hope you stay strong in that regard if you find it helps you.
So whatever I posted about earlier, things got a lot worse. My mind completely imploded and I could barely communicate. It is now incredibly difficult to function as a human being. Typing this is painful, to give you an idea of how difficult it is to even think right now.

I ended up going to the ER on Saturday night. They put me on antidepressants. I basically spent all of yesterday in bed, either sleeping or screaming and frustrated that I've lost my mind and fucked up my life.

I've been on the phone a lot with my mentor and she's guiding me through this. I went to the Counseling Center today to see a psychologist, and as expected I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Apparently I'm a textbook case. Didn't think so, but the cognitive issues are typical symptoms.

I've requested an accommodation to perhaps get out of my Rhetoric TAship for the semester, or at least a few weeks. I really want to do it, but it's a class that teaches critical thinking, reading and writing, and I am in no condition to even do those things myself right now. If they say tough shit I will just have to deal, but it's going to make things much much harder.

I could barely get out of bed this morning, barely force myself to eat and shower and get out the door. I can barely read a book or process any external stimuli without getting incredibly agitated and frustrated that I can't do even basic cognition.

I will be getting regular therapy, and will see a psychiatrist tomorrow to make this all official and regulate my medication. I have to restructure my entire lifestyle and take things one day at a time. But I'll tell you this: this will take a long time and provided I work my way out of it, I very well may be a different person.

Thanks for the support and yes I know it's putting too much trust in the medical industry, but I need all the support I can get so I can work myself out of this.
Withdrawal from antidepressants is absolutely terrible. Be careful.

Take a year off and party for 365 days around the world. Seriously.
So whatever I posted about earlier, things got a lot worse. My mind completely imploded and I could barely communicate. It is now incredibly difficult to function as a human being. Typing this is painful, to give you an idea of how difficult it is to even think right now.

I ended up going to the ER on Saturday night. They put me on antidepressants. I basically spent all of yesterday in bed, either sleeping or screaming and frustrated that I've lost my mind and fucked up my life.

I've been on the phone a lot with my mentor and she's guiding me through this. I went to the Counseling Center today to see a psychologist, and as expected I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Apparently I'm a textbook case. Didn't think so, but the cognitive issues are typical symptoms.

I've requested an accommodation to perhaps get out of my Rhetoric TAship for the semester, or at least a few weeks. I really want to do it, but it's a class that teaches critical thinking, reading and writing, and I am in no condition to even do those things myself right now. If they say tough shit I will just have to deal, but it's going to make things much much harder.

I could barely get out of bed this morning, barely force myself to eat and shower and get out the door. I can barely read a book or process any external stimuli without getting incredibly agitated and frustrated that I can't do even basic cognition.

I will be getting regular therapy, and will see a psychiatrist tomorrow to make this all official and regulate my medication. I have to restructure my entire lifestyle and take things one day at a time. But I'll tell you this: this will take a long time and provided I work my way out of it, I very well may be a different person.

Thanks for the support and yes I know it's putting too much trust in the medical industry, but I need all the support I can get so I can work myself out of this.

Try jogging.