NEW SONG *01_-_the_termination_proclamation [ worst song ever from nevermore ]

Just want to take the 100th post and top of a new page to say The Termination Proclamation is one of the two best songs on the album :)
Who Decides was my instant favorite off Enemies of Reality when I heard it for the first time. Inside Four Walls was one of my instant favorite Nevermore songs off DHIADW as well. I thought that riff was fuckin' awesome. I didn't like the lyrics too much...I thought they were a bit elementary political lyrics. But I knew Warrel had a ton of not so elementary political lyrics, see POE. Termination Proclamation...there really isn't anything exiciting going on aside from SOME of the riffs and the guitar solo. The chorus is pretty weak, imo.

The title track basically slaughters everything on the disc for me.