New Song- Blind At Heart

Oh, it was pure bliss. One day after the concert had ended i still couldn't get over the fact that i had heard an unreleased song live, so guess how i felt at the moment they played it. ;) I couldn't sing along, which was a bummer, but never mind. :D It sounded amazing.

Now ask Rincewind. ;)
Wellll, Mikael sounded....errrr....ahhh, THE SONG...ehem :D.
It sounded great, of course, the whole concert was best concert I've been to.
All I was capable of doing is standing there and screaming inside myself (with occasional outside screams :D).
Not to mention my happiness when I met them.
Ahhhhh *lost in memories*
Ah, it's so cute how you both said everything about your feelings and the concert and nothing really about the new song. :D

Ah man, you guys are making me depressed for not having bootlegs to trade for it.

*wait for the great, great, infinitely [insert big words here]ly awesome UC to give me the song for free. Puppy eyes engaged for extra persuasion. @_@*
Yay, 3 cheers for Undo. ;)

I'll add mine soon, though i don't know exactly what i have.
ok, here is my impression of the song: it begins with a nice riff, not too original coming from dt, but nice nonetheless. Then it starts to sound awesome, but i can't get the details because of the quality of the bootleg. The chorus sounds a bit pop-ish and happier than the rest of the song. The part just before the solo is a bit repetitive, but the solo is one of the best I've heard. I can't hear much after the solo, but I noticed a nice change from the other riffs. Overall, it's a good song, but not the best I've heard of DT.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
For UC! Hip Hip!


(Now I get it! Ye know, what we were saying @ mns :lol: )

Yeah, the song is really good, nothing like you'd say "SHIT I'M GOING TO EJACULATE" or something, but a great song nonetheless.

We have to wait for a better audio on the track to listen to it better.
6 said:
ok, here is my impression of the song: it begins with a nice riff, not too original coming from dt, but nice nonetheless. Then it starts to sound awesome, but i can't get the details because of the quality of the bootleg. The chorus sounds a bit pop-ish and happier than the rest of the song. The part just before the solo is a bit repetitive, but the solo is one of the best I've heard. I can't hear much after the solo, but I noticed a nice change from the other riffs. Overall, it's a good song, but not the best I've heard of DT.
I hate it when people call bridges 'solos'. A solo is called a 'solo' because the instrument is playing alone; if there's even drums in the background then it's not a solo anymore, it's a bridge or an intro or whatever. :rolleyes: Anyway, nice analysis of the song. Thanks for that. :)

Bloodred said:
Yeah, the song is really good, nothing like you'd say "SHIT I'M GOING TO EJACULATE" or something, but a great song nonetheless.
I've never said "shit, i'm going to ejaculate!" when listening to a song. Does that mean that no song is really really good to me? ;)
But as I said, "bridge" isn't a word precise enough. Like Misery In Me has a bridge, but Wonders at Your Feet has a "solo". Because "solos" are more attention catching and are generally more technical to play then bridges. So you'll need to come up with a word to distinguish the two.