New Song- Blind At Heart

Rincewind said:
Good luck with that :) ...although I don't know what "weight" you can still lose ;)

Ha, that cause you've never met me! How would you know :p Ok... I'll spam a bit more. You know teenagers? Always bothering about their weight. It's just for fun...

Oh, I'm not at all an outdoor-person. I shower thrise a day. I'm really nervous.
Rincewind said:
Tri: I'm wondering...did you miss the fact that it's just audio and, in fact, you just want to see Mikael before going to the mountains? :D

As long as I can hear his voise. :blush: Have I been so obvious about my love? :heh:

I was thinking about bringing the picture of me and him in Borlänge, but then I thought. My friends will all laugh at me.
Well... I don't think I'm fat. I just think it's fun to change my appearance now and then. You should see my hair.

Well..... In my year they always do this trip. It's about......(oh, I'm spamming again, please Rahvin. Just a bit before I go!).......50 people. That's all my year and if I don't go with them I will be banned from conversations for months.

Oh, then I'll tell you this...I think Mikael in Dark Tranquillity is cute hihihihihihihi....oh... I shouldn't have said that...

Moha on yourself...
Please...There are a handfull of master and only one can strangle you on distance. I am a master and I will be the second strangeler next summer.... I'm spamming again.
Undo, you rock.

Thanks a bunch for the bootlegs. Unfortunately, the only thing I noticed was that when I put it on my iPod, I only get left channel sound. So I'm going deaf in one ear more than the other now :(

The song kicks mucho ass, though. I just reeeeeeeeallly want to see them play InsignifiCunt or Hush live :)

I listened to the song about two times, but with the poor sound quality + the left ear thing,.... I can't say that I appreciated the song as its best so I'm a bit confused. It's like a bunch of sounds all put together.
It is really really fast, anyway hehehe but it's still occured to be good music !
I am really impatient to hear the real recorded and mastered Blind at Hear, and the others too....
Trip to Italy: $1000

Evoluition Festival's entrance: $50

Seeing DT perform live their newest song BLIND AT HEART: Nearly priceless.

Having yer ears bleed after listening to Undo's bootleg of the song: priceless

Wow, Blind at Heart is fucking amazing!!! And although my ears still hurt, I don't mind because I'm the 1st 3d world lad to listen to the song LOL!!!

:lol: . Now really, the song is pretty good, too bad that the sound quality is so terrible, but you can hear the solos and all so I don't care. Really violent beggining, and catchy tunes at time. I'm loving it! :p

I just have some words for Dark Tranquillity:

Thank you so much, you've done it again *cries of happiness*

This next album will be so fucking amazing!!! Keep it up :p !!!

Yer Costa Rican lad,