New song from "Universal" will be made available for streaming on Friday the 29th

Seems like the US is far behind in tech, so we're forced to print promos for the american jurnos as they can't be arsed to use the internett to find out about the music he he

Some people in the USA still listen to 8-track. Perhaps if the promo was released in that format, more of us would have access to it. :Saint:
That`s why i asked...
Or perhaps that promo doesn't contain the full album but something like 3 or 4 tracks instead. I guess that could be considered some kind of promo too.

Well I'm not so sure about this 'watermarked' tracks because Dark Tranquillity did the exact same thing, and the album has already leaked. I don't want to sound nasty or rough, but I think it's very difficult to avoid a leak. The journalists who got the DT promo even had to sign a contract (pretty impressive IMO) that said that there'd be legal consequences if they leaked the album. Even with that, the album has leaked, which is kind of sad.
But that's only one example. I have noticed that lesser amount of albums leak in advance these days. Or if they do leak, it happens only few days or one week before the official release. And quality of those albums that do leak is usually poor. Bigger metal bands like DT tend to stir up more movement (so to speak) and thus advance leak becomes more possible. Borknagar, on the other hand, isn't that big so maybe Universal won't leak in advance. Or if it does I doubt the quality would be good.
nothing has happened yet