New song from "Universal" will be made available for streaming on Friday the 29th

Pure awesomeness! Mr. Hedlund even seems to growl in parts of the song... wow. Poor Myspace sound quality though and maybe a bit too repetitive Keyboard lines.

Time for some touring again to promote the album, guys! :D
Haha amazing, at the beginning I kept waiting for it to fade out right after slow intro :p can't help it after the videos :loco: I can't even comment on the song yet, just too soon!

Fuck I can't wait for this album!
Well, as you guys might imagine (since the album has been finished for what to us seems like ages), we're horny for comments on this, so keep'em cummin' :))))))
First of all: Thanks for uploading!

"Havoc" is a great piece of music, containing all the best Borknagar stands for and has marked a new dimension of aggression, imo (i think, its the heaviest song you guys got). Besides some really wunderful melodies and vocal lines (especially at 4:48) "Havoc"`s got a pretty dark atmosphere. I`m really enjoying it, for the 1X time, i think... :notworthy

"Nature is about to regain"!

Well done!

Just 24 more days to go...this is going to be really hard...
Fuck..i´m specheless!!!...amazing new song..fucking epic!!..the lars keyboards parts sounds absolute brillant!!!!...and vintersorg seem to be at the their top!!!...somethings sounds like death metal!!!! sends me shivers!!!

high class production!!

nature is about to regain!!!!!!!!!!!! havoc!!!

When the song reaches the 2 become an absolute orgams!!!....the keyboard melody with the guitar at same time!!!!..and vintersorg sings...havoc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lars is amazing!!! the whole band is in great shape..but i love the keyboards in borknagar!