new Structures album


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
i don't know if anyone remembers structures, jval recorded them a while back, and their EP was amazing (to me at least)

anyways, now they've got a full length underway, and there's a track up

what does everyone think?

is it just me or is that mix clipping like fuck!?


ps. had to watch a justin bieber trailer before watching this.. ugh.
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Yeah. Clipping like a motherfucker on steroids.

On a serious note the album seems pretty kick ass!

I like how their drumbeat is so strange at times.
yea, i had a hard time listening to it through all the clipping.. the music is brilliant though! it seems pretty finished, so i doubt the clipping is going to go away.. which is shame..
Whoa, this has, like, ZERO DYNAMICS. Everything is level. o O And clipped to hell.

Nice music, though. But is this shit even playable live?
Whoa, this has, like, ZERO DYNAMICS. Everything is level. o O And clipped to hell.

Nice music, though. But is this shit even playable live?

If the last three times that I've seen them are any indication, then no.

But to be honest, I can't really hear too much clipping on my headphones or in the car, other then the 808 bombs.....

Edit : I should re-phrase that : I can hear clipping, but it's not so bad that it completely ruins it. Other then the 808 bombs.
wow... this sounds horrible.. : /

@Taylor: It's clipping/distorting throughout the whole track, listen closely to the distortion when the 808 kicks in, focus on that frequency where most of the distortion is happening, you'll then realize the guitars are distorting throughout, beggining to end
i often disliked jval's recording of this band because i didn't feel it was.. enough.

i hate the mix/master on this because it's just way to fucking much.

be careful what you wish for i guess..!

i am disappoint.
wow... this sounds horrible.. : /

@Taylor: It's clipping/distorting throughout the whole track, listen closely to the distortion when the 808 kicks in, focus on that frequency where most of the distortion is happening, you'll then realize the guitars are distorting throughout, beggining to end

Definitely hear the distortion, no doubt here.

But it definitely isn't the worst I've ever heard.
Nice music, though. But is this shit even playable live?

These guys are local to my area and not to cause any drama but they are farrrrrrrrrrrr from tight live. I've seen them many times, including playing shows with them back in the day under other band names. I had hoped that after recording the EP with jval that they had improved and least some what but when i saw them live play the EP it was messy as fuck it seemed like they weren't playing with each other at all. If you search up the original jval thread about getting a tight mix the actions he took to get them to sound that tight on the record... would lead me to believe they just aren't a very tight band at all.

just my opinion
Holy shit this is some of the worst clipping ive ever heard. How can you even release this? Like what is going through the dude mastering its head?
I couldn't make it halfway through a song. My fucking head hurts.

Their EP sounded much much better.
Putney brick walled the shit out of this album. Here's a comparison between the old Hydroplaning and new Hydroplaning mixes:
I've been talking to Anthony from Encircle about this for a long time. He was pretty much the first to notice. Funny that his name is brought up in that blog.