new Structures album

I've been talking to Anthony from Encircle about this for a long time. He was pretty much the first to notice. Funny that his name is brought up in that blog.

first to notice? the dynamic range has been beaten out of this music so hard you'd need to be near deaf to not notice! aha.

god i hope this isn't the direction the entire genre goes.
EDIT: WOW. listening to a higher quality source (well, just the small comparison clip from that blog review and OMFG?@?!?!?!

Even *I* wouldn't allow such madness to occur. Holy fuck.
hahaha, this should be the objective measurement for hard mastering - does CJ think it's too much?
hahaha, this should be the objective measurement for hard mastering - does CJ think it's too much?

ROFL!!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha....

actually i've been rocking this CD all day. I "get" it now...

i actually really dig it.... the mix sounds like it was fucking awesome but Will tried to take the mastering to the utmost extreme.... he achieved, but with the side-effects of a lot of distortion and clipping...

that's the way I see it, anyhow....

i know where he's coming from, though. sometimes the mix/master just doesn't feel right until it's retarded sounding.... so.... fuck it. the songs are good enough to warrant me rocking it all day....

sans the clean parts..... not a fan.

but the vox production is AMAZING! love Frankie's guest spot!!!
actually i've been rocking this CD all day. I "get" it now...

i actually really dig it.... the mix sounds like it was fucking awesome but Will tried to take the mastering to the utmost extreme.... he achieved, but with the side-effects of a lot of distortion and clipping...

that's the way I see it, anyhow....

yea man, i've been soldiering on with the album, and i can see what the aim was.. the extreme clipping, brickwalling, and complete lack of any dynamic range make this pretty hard to listen to though..

makes me feel less bad about my own recordings! hahaha.
Ew, Frankie's guest vox...

So I posted on one of their newest statuses saying "mmmmm clipping," and Andrew McEnaney, the drummer, messaged me saying, "Hey. We get it. It clips. Thanks for commenting on every single one of our status' about the matter."

Aaaaaand he removed me as a friend. :(
Ew, Frankie's guest vox...

So I posted on one of their newest statuses saying "mmmmm clipping," and Andrew McEnaney, the drummer, messaged me saying, "Hey. We get it. It clips. Thanks for commenting on every single one of our status' about the matter."

Aaaaaand he removed me as a friend. :(

can you blame them? i'm so sick of the 'clipping' thing. people cry CLIPPING like it ruins everything about a record, even if they only really 'HEAR' it in a couple tunes or spots in tunes.

GRANTED, this record clips and distorts like fuck but as I said before, I get it and I love it.


P.S. my love, Frankie's guest spot is probably one of my favorite and most memorable parts of the album.

but hey, i'm an admitted Emmure fan to the bone!
can you blame them? i'm so sick of the 'clipping' thing. people cry CLIPPING like it ruins everything about a record, even if they only really 'HEAR' it in a couple tunes or spots in tunes.

GRANTED, this record clips and distorts like fuck but as I said before, I get it and I love it.


P.S. my love, Frankie's guest spot is probably one of my favorite and most memorable parts of the album.

but hey, i'm an admitted Emmure fan to the bone!

I agree with you on the clipping. I can understand why it's unlistenable to a lot of people though. But I love that shit.

Besides that, you hate the cleans? :[
I love the fact that they sound so... pop/punk.
Reminds me of Blink 192's singer!