new Structures album

You're very adamant. And, I don't like tomatoes.

I wanted to tell you, one of these days, that I absolutely LOVE the production on And Hell Followed With's Proprioception, I heard that you did it.

I may have already told you, actually. I have no idea. But it's kick ass. :kickass:

Thanks dude!

I know a lot of albums i own have a clip here or there and i still love them. Shit i'm sure some of my work might even clip in a few places (not on purpose). Just part of getting the loudness for some clients. Really sucks when it is all over and becomes a distraction to the music.
Digital distortion/clipping sounds like shit and i love tomatoes.

^^^ Haha, this should be your new studio bio :)
These guys are local to my area and not to cause any drama but they are farrrrrrrrrrrr from tight live. I've seen them many times, including playing shows with them back in the day under other band names. I had hoped that after recording the EP with jval that they had improved and least some what but when i saw them live play the EP it was messy as fuck it seemed like they weren't playing with each other at all. If you search up the original jval thread about getting a tight mix the actions he took to get them to sound that tight on the record... would lead me to believe they just aren't a very tight band at all.

just my opinion

not trying to put the band down or anything because i love the music, but if you ever saw the screenshot from Jval's post of their EP info, you would see how he mentioned there was over 12,000 edits. so no, they do not have the capabilities to play this live. maybe one day though...
People who aren't tight-assed? :lol:

The non-clipping track sounds better, IMO.
But I like the idea of the clipping mastering. It's controversial.

It sounds like shit, dude. Why do people always try to justify the shitty mixes or stupid actions of their favorite bands?

I liked Structures' All of the Above. Songs like Still Waters grooved hard and were pretty techy. That whole EP sounded much better than this new release.

I've definitely lost some respect for this band after they posted these stupid ass videos on youtube of them walking around a mall and talking about how they were suddenly enlightened, deciding that they were going to focus more on songwriting than technicality... and what happens? Well, the album is definitely less technical, but the songwriting is terrible, they have Frankie from Emmure do guest vocals on a song, and the album sounds like shit due to unnecessary clipping and distortion. How could you listen to the final version of the master and not notice anything was wrong? None of this is edgy or controversial. It's just Structures conforming to current trends and apparently being too ignorant to realize the final mastered version of their album sounds terrible...
It sounds like shit, dude. Why do people always try to justify the shitty mixes or stupid actions of their favorite bands?

I liked Structures' All of the Above. Songs like Still Waters grooved hard and were pretty techy. That whole EP sounded much better than this new release.

I've definitely lost some respect for this band after they posted these stupid ass videos on youtube of them walking around a mall and talking about how they were suddenly enlightened, deciding that they were going to focus more on songwriting than technicality... and what happens? Well, the album is definitely less technical, but the songwriting is terrible, they have Frankie from Emmure do guest vocals on a song, and the album sounds like shit due to unnecessary clipping and distortion. How could you listen to the final version of the master and not notice anything was wrong? None of this is edgy or controversial. It's just Structures conforming to current trends and apparently being too ignorant to realize the final mastered version of their album sounds terrible...

I'm sorry you feel that way. :goggly:

When it comes down to it, anything that is being argued about involving this Structures release is opinion-based.

When you say it sounds like "shit," you're describing how you interpret it.
EVEN THOUGH the majority of people I've seen arguing about this shit are WAY AGAINST the clipping, there is a good portion of people who see it differently than you.

And there's a VERY small chance that we're all just dumbasses who "need our ears checked."

I DO wish they would have backed down on the limiter though.
I genuinely like the songwriting and I feel like a lot of their fans would otherwise like this album if it weren't for the clipping. And that sucks.
It sounds like shit, dude. Why do people always try to justify the shitty mixes or stupid actions of their favorite bands?

I liked Structures' All of the Above. Songs like Still Waters grooved hard and were pretty techy. That whole EP sounded much better than this new release.

I've definitely lost some respect for this band after they posted these stupid ass videos on youtube of them walking around a mall and talking about how they were suddenly enlightened, deciding that they were going to focus more on songwriting than technicality... and what happens? Well, the album is definitely less technical, but the songwriting is terrible, they have Frankie from Emmure do guest vocals on a song, and the album sounds like shit due to unnecessary clipping and distortion. How could you listen to the final version of the master and not notice anything was wrong? None of this is edgy or controversial. It's just Structures conforming to current trends and apparently being too ignorant to realize the final mastered version of their album sounds terrible...

I fully agree with everything you just said. I like the new album, but it is by no means a good follow up to All of The Above. I liked how they added some more singing parts, especially in /, but some of it just doesn't sound like Structures. I feel like they just wanted to have the heaviest album ever and forget about technicality almost completely. People liked them because they set themselves apart from the rest. Their songwriting was wacky and every riff they had was crazy technical. Now it seems like most of their songs are just breakdowns.
This genre of music is a bit annoying. It's like they can write a ton of great riffs, but not a great song. It's almost like if you turn away for a second you'll miss the good parts, because they only last for a couple bars before moving to something totally uninteresting.
This genre of music is a bit annoying. It's like they can write a ton of great riffs, but not a great song. It's almost like if you turn away for a second you'll miss the good parts, because they only last for a couple bars before moving to something totally uninteresting.

Exactly the opposite of their EP, which kept me interested the whole way through.
not trying to put the band down or anything because i love the music, but if you ever saw the screenshot from Jval's post of their EP info, you would see how he mentioned there was over 12,000 edits. so no, they do not have the capabilities to play this live. maybe one day though...

This is my point exactly, i grew up playing shows/in the same circle of friends as these guys and they were never very good musically then they come out with all of the above and I'm like... hmmm maybe they just practiced their fucking asses off... then i saw that thread j-val posted :OMG:. then i saw them live a few weeks later with my friends band opening/abandon all ships headlining. Couldn't make out a single thing, kinda sounded like the new album:lol:

I've definitely lost some respect for this band after they posted these stupid ass videos on youtube of them walking around a mall and talking about how they were suddenly enlightened, deciding that they were going to focus more on songwriting than technicality... and what happens? Well, the album is definitely less technical, but the songwriting is terrible

LOL every metal band walks around malls to become enlightened in the ways of great metal song writing.. DUH! ;). The song writing under the name "Charitys" wasn't much different < this user has the 4 songs on his account if anybody wants to listen. I have no respect for this band, probably the equivalent of pop music in todays metal scene. They are young and marketable now just get a producer to make them sound huge, and bam sell a bunch of albums to.. well.. :erk:
and he digs the clipping.

How can you ffs say that?

Bottom line.....

If you think it sounds better clipping, then you need your ears checked.

I definitely feel the same way. I mean in cases of audible clipping throughout the entire record. I do agree that some songs do sound cool slammed, but I don't like to have that distortion all over the fucking thing.

I listened to it the first time at pleasable volume through my stereo's speakers and I could already hear the clipping, and from there on... what is heard cannot be unheard unfortunately.

My conclusion is that if you want your fans to listen to a loud record, tell them to listen to the record really loud instead of making it clip.
I haven't really stated my opinion on this...

a tiny bit of clipping isnt bad - new chiodos has a bit, but it sounds huge and i think it doesnt detract from the listening experience at all.

this album however, is that little bit too far for me to enjoy listen to mix-wise. i enjoy the music, but it really does make it less enjoyable.

on the other hand, i love that it's loud and aggressive. when i chuck on the song 'encounter' it makes me want to punch things. real shame about the clipping, but if the band wanted it, and they are happy with it, and some people enjoy it, then it's fine.
I haven't really stated my opinion on this...

a tiny bit of clipping isnt bad - new chiodos has a bit, but it sounds huge and i think it doesnt detract from the listening experience at all.

this album however, is that little bit too far for me to enjoy listen to mix-wise. i enjoy the music, but it really does make it less enjoyable.

on the other hand, i love that it's loud and aggressive. when i chuck on the song 'encounter' it makes me want to punch things. real shame about the clipping, but if the band wanted it, and they are happy with it, and some people enjoy it, then it's fine.

I may be just because I'm a big fan of Structures, but the whole album gets me pumped.

I feel like the slammed-to-hell mastering has a bit to do with that.

I agree with that it makes it less-enjoyable to listen to. When you hear the clipping, you fixate on it and can't really ignore it, and that makes it really hard to listen to the song without cringing and stuff.

I wonder if they actually will have it remastered sometime.

Also, with all the talk about their sloppiness live, you gotta know these guys are like 19, except for two members, I believe.
Obviously they're not gonna play really tightly.. they're young.

But they have an awesome talent for composing music, IMO. It's exciting as hell. So the sloppiness is forgivable.
Also, with all the talk about their sloppiness live, you gotta know these guys are like 19, except for two members, I believe.
Obviously they're not gonna play really tightly.. they're young.

:guh: Well thats super bullshit maybe if they were like 12... it would be a valid excuse. Guitars just sound like inhumanly tight, i want to see videos of them doing actual play throughs not with the studio edited tracks on top.
Sorry for the bump but didn't want to start a new thread for this could anyone give me some insight into how to create a similar drum effect to the one at the end of tunnel vision ??
well I just want to share my opinion that everytime this album comes up on my headphones i want to rip them out of my ears, it takes a few tracks to adjust to the sound, especialy if the previous cd was a good sounding one

terrible job, but to each his own I guess