new Structures album

I dont really see the point your trying to make. They sucked back then and they still suck now just more influence by Hollow Crown lately.

Well that's just your opinion.

My point is that they were young and thought that generic deathcore was super cool, so that's what they wrote. They grew up a little, gained more experience, and made something unique out of it.
Whats funny is that i saw them on a tour with veil of maya a month ago in pittsburgh, and while talking to them i mentioned new found glory coming to the same venue. Turns out, these kids are the biggest pop punk fans around. They play metal, very well for their ages i may say, but everything they listen to is pop punk. They did sneak some pop punk parts in their songs, but expect more haha

Completely off topic, but i love metal bands that listen to different genres. A well known band in my scene from ohio called under a dead sky (a technical death metal band), the bassist could have been the most amazing bass player i've ever seen, yet he listened to mostly death cab for cutie.

Back on topic, i love their ep.
What I mean to say is that it seems most plausible that they asked Putney to bounce a mix without vocals for the purpose of the playthrough.

Maybe he backed off the limiter when mastering the instrument of this. Or maybe it's just the vocals that push the song to clip.